Drafting Procedures of Princess Petticoat/Chemise
R.S. Balakumar
Associate Professor
Dept of Fashion Design & Arts
Hindustan University, Chennai, India
Email: rsbalakumar1953@gmail.com
Princess petticoat:
Princess petticoat is the inner wear of the teen aged girls and also called as ‘chemise’. It is a a light loose undergarment and hanging from the shoulders. The feature or the garment is very simple for making and even school children, toddlers can choose this garment due to its comfort. Drafting of princess petticoat is very easy. I have given here details. You can practice in your home.
Suitable fabrics: Voile cotton, Long cloth, Poplin, Silk, Crepe, polyester.
Material Required: 1. 50 mtr. Cloth width 36”.
Pattern parts: Front cur on fold and back cut on fold.
Measurements required: Full length 20” N. W. length 14”. Shoulder width 13”. Chest-26”.
Drafting details of princess petticoat:
Back part:
1 – 0 = Full length + ½”.
2 – 0 = N. waist length + ½”.
3 – 0 = 1/4th chest (minus) ¾”.
4 – 3 = 1/4th chest + 1 ¼”.
5 – 2 = 3 to 4 measure (minus) ¾”.
1 – 6 = 3 to 4 measure + 3 ½” as per draft.
7 – 9 = Shoulder’s slope is ¾”.
10 – 0 = 1/12th chest + ¾”.
11 – 0 = 1/12th chest + ¾”.
Allow side inlays 1 ½ extra and bottom hem is 1 ¼”.
Front Part:
12 – 0 = 1/12th chest + 1 ½”.
B – 8 = 1” upward for inner arm-hole curve purpose.
Bottom hem is 1 ¼” as per draft.
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