Analysis of Regular Weft Rib Woven Fabric Structure

Last Updated on 01/05/2021

Experiment name:
Analysis of regular weft rib woven fabric structure.

Regular weft rib:
Rib weave is a variation of Plain weave and is created very similarly to a plain weave piece of fabric. Rib weave are two types; warp rib and weft rib. Weft rib are two types; regular weft rib and irregular weft rib.

regular weft rib weave

Features of weft rib:

  1. Weft rib produces ribs or cords in the warp direction.
  2. In general, the yarn of weft rib is better than warp.
  3. Id the number of picks is more than the number of ends in a unit space, then yarn of same count may be used.
  4. Two or more warp yarns pass through a weft yarn.
  5. Two heald shafts are used.
  6. Weft rib is used for producing blankets and hair cords, etc.


  1. To know the regular weft rib woven fabric specification.
  2. To know the raw material of regular weft rib fabric.
  3. To produce exactly the similar fabric.

Sample: A piece of regular weft rib woven fabric.


  1. Beesleys balance,
  2. Counting glass,
  3. Graph paper.
  4. GSM cutter,
  5. Needle,
  6. Twist tester,

Analysis of regular weft rib woven fabric structure:

1. Weave plan: In graph paper the gaps between the lines are considered according to X axis as weft threads and according to Y axis as warp threads. Now indicating the up threads by filling gaps and down threads without filling gaps the weave plan is drawn.

2. Drafting plan: According to British system drafting plan is drawn at the top of weave plan. Here two heald shafts are used to draw the drafting plan.

3. Lifting plan: The lifting plan is drawn at the right side of the weave plan.

4. Face side and Back side: As the cloth is constructed with plain fabric construction, face and back side is not same. Face side appearance is smooth and glassy than back side appearance.

5. Direction of warp and weft: Direction of both warp and weft are indicated by arrow marks as shown in the sample. Selvedge direction is always warp direction and warp direction is more straight and parallel than weft direction. No. of yarn in warp is more than weft.

6. Raw material: Both weft warp yarns are cotton.

7. Thread density: No. of ends per inch or EPI =104, No. of picks per inch or PPI = 22.

8. Yarn count:

Warp yarn countWarp yarn count for Regular Weft Rib

Weft yarn countWeft yarn count for Regular Weft Rib

Count of warp yarn is 28 and weft yarn is 30.

9. Yarn twist:

Warp yarn twistWarp yarn twist for Regular Weft Rib

Weft yarn twistWeft yarn twist for Regular Weft Rib

Twist of warp yarn is 23and weft yarn is 23.

10. Twist direction: Both warp and weft yarns are twisted in ‘Z’ direction.

11. Design of fabric: The fabric is designed as one up and one down i.e. if all even numbered warp ends are raised at one pick then all odd numbered ones are raised at other picks.

12. GSM calculation: We take one square inch fabric sample and find its weight 0.07 gm.

We know 1 inch = 2.54 cm i.e. 0.0254 m. So, 1 sq. inch = (0.0254 x 0.0254) sq. m.

Now, (0.0254 x 0.0254) sq. m sample wt. = 0.07 gm

1 sq. m sample wt. = 108.5 gm

Therefore GSM of fabric is 108.5gms/sq. inch

13. Repeat size: 8×2. The repeat contains 2 ends and 2 picks.

14. Type of loom: Tappet loom is used to produce this plain woven fabric.

15. End use: Different types of apparel such as shirt, lungi, shari; bed sheet, bedcover, pillow cover, and many other uses.

Analysis of fabric structure is very important to know about the fabric which is needed to reproduce or to change structure or design of fabric. By this practical I gathered the knowledge how to analyses primarily a simple regular weft rib structure of woven fabric which will be very helpful in future.

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