Different Types of Singeing Problems, Causes and Their Solutions

Last Updated on 07/02/2021

Singeing is the process of burning of the fiber hairs projecting through the fabric surface. It is done to obtain a uniform and smooth fabric surface by removing hairiness. To ensure uniform optical reflectance throughout the fabric surface in subsequent fabric wet processing.

The natural fabrics are usually singed in grey form as there can be burned ashes and some sort of yellowing on the fabric which are cleared in the subsequent processes. On the other hand, synthetic fibers and their blends are to be singed after dyeing, otherwise molten amorphous beads take up more dyes making dark spots. Polyester melts at higher temperature and requires a powerful flame.

There are various methods of singeing:

  1. Plate singeing machine
  2. Rotary cylinder or roller singeing machine
  3. Gas singeing machine.

The singeing is carried out in yarn or fabric form. In this article I will discuss different types of singeing problems, causes and their solutions.

problems of singeing
Fig: Problems of singeing

Different types of singeing problems, causes and their solutions

Singeing ProblemsPossible CausesSolutions
In complete singeing
  1. Too low flame intensity.
  2. Too fast fabric speed.
  3. Too far distance between Two burners.
  4. In appropriate singeing Position (not severe enough).
  5. Too much moisture in the Fabric incoming for singeing.
  1. Optimum flame intensity.
  2. Optimum fabric speed.
  3. Optimum distance between the fabric and the burner.
  4. Optimum singeing position.
  5. No excess moisture in the fabric incoming for singeing.
Uneven singeing (Width ways)
  1. Non-uniform moisture content across the fabric Width.
  2. Non-uniform flame intensity across the fabric Width.
  3. Uneven distance between the burner and the fabric.
  1. Uniform moisture content Across the fabric width.
  2. Uniform flame intensity Across the fabric width.
  3. Uniform distance between the burner and the fabric.
Uneven singeing (Lengthways)
  1. Non-uniform moisture Content along the fabric length.
  2. Non-uniform flame intensity along the fabric Length.
  3. Change in fabric speed During singeing.
  4. Change in the distance between the fabric and the Burner along the length.
  1. Uniform moisture content along the fabric length.
  2. Uniform flame intensity Along the fabric length.
  3. Uniform fabric speed During singeing.
  4. Uniform distance between the fabric and the burner along the length.

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