Frequently Asked Questions for Fashion Designing, Garment and Merchandising Job
R.S. Balakumar
Associate Professor
Dept of Fashion Design & Arts
Hindustan University, Chennai, India
In textile, garments, merchandising and fashion designing sector all candidates have to face interview to get a job. In these interview board different types of textile, apparel and fashion related terms and definitions are generally asked. Here all of you get 200 questions and answers so get preparation for textile, garments and fashion house interview. From my experience, I think this questions and answers will be crucial who are trying to find job in fashion, apparel and merchandising sector.

200 Multiple Choice Questions for Fashion Designing, Garment & Merchandising Job:
(Answers are given below of article)
1. Pattern making is basically divided in to a)……………. b)…………….
2. ………………. is the basic pattern that is used for all adaptions.
3. The block pattern is placed (or) wheeled on to pattern paper to produce the ……………..
4. A garment is a …………… product
a) Two Dimensional b) Three Dimensional c) Four Dimensional d) None above
5. Pattern is a replica or a garment (say True / False)
6. Black pattern does not include seam allowance, in lays and hem allowance. (say True / False)
7. A system of pattern making depends on a series figure measurement to complete the paper pattern.
a) Truing b) Basic pattern set c) pattern draping d) pattern draping
8. A two – dimensional piece or fabric draped around a form, a figure confirming to its shape creating a three – dimensional fabric pattern.
a) Drafting or pattern b) pattern draping c) Truing d) set of pattern
9. A 5 – piece pattern set, consisting of a front / back / sleeve and skirt front, back is called
a) Drafting b) Draping c) Truing d) Basic pattern set
10. ……………… is the measurement added to the patterns and line for comfort
a) Test – fit b) Ease c) Figure balance d) Fabric balance
11. A muslin garments cut from a first pattern is called…………..
a) Sample b) Template c) Test – fit d) Dress
12. ……………… a wedge – shape cutout in a pattern used as a means of controlling the fit of the garment
a) Ease b) Garment balance c) Tracing d) Dart
13. The direction in which the yarn is passing in the fabric.
a) Fiber b) Grain c) Length wise d) Cross wise
14. Yarns parallel to selvedge and at right angler to the cross grain of woven fabric is called …………………..
a) Cross Grain b) Balance live c) Bias (45’) d) Length Grain
15. Finding and adjusting the difference between joining pattern parts to improve the hang and fit of the garment is called ……………
a) Garment balance b) Bicep line c) Pattern balance d) Grain
16. ………………. is the process of matching two components to establish, grain line, seam length and pattern is introduced
a) Garment balance b) Pattern balance c) Fabric balance d) Grain
17. A slanting or diagonal line cut or sewn across the weave of the cloth is called ……………….
a) Selvedge b) Bias c) Bowing d) Muslin
18. ………………. is a line drawn on each pattern piece to indicate low the pattern should the aligned with the length grain of the fabric
a) True bias b) Thick line c) Pattern grain line d) Arrows
19. ………………. at the top or the bottom indicates that the pattern must be placed in one direction only
a) Vertical b) Cross – wise c) Grain line with arrows d) Horizontal
20. …………………. grain line is drawn parallel with center for garments to be cut on straight grain
a) Cross wise b) Vertical c) Horizontal d) Bias
21. Garment cutting and manufacturing is based on ……………
a) Measurements b) Fit c) Style d) Fullness
22. The study or man and his measurement is called …………..
a) Anatomy b) Anthropology c) Anthropometry d) Architecture
23. Drafting of pattern making is one of the ………………. methods of garment making.
24. Draping is the ………………..method used in fashion industry
25. To reduce or enlarge a given size pattern technique is called ………………….
26. Seam allowance added pattern making is called ………………
27. Component pattern template are used in shop floor (True / False)
28. Pattern parts are made without seam allowance is called ……………..
29. Muslin cloth is used on dress form for draping (True / False)
30. Which are the following pattern making is / are widely used in garment industry in Bangladesh?
a) Draping b) Template c) Industrial pattern making d) Block pattern
31. Pattern template is made up or …………… approved industry.
32. Effectively lay length is reduced while fabric width is wider (True / False)
33. Effectively lay length reduced while cloth width in wider (True / False)
34. ……………… layout is widely used in garment industry
35. Any product capable of being spun/ woven or otherwise made into a fabric is
a) Fiber b) Yarn c) Thread d) Cotton
36. Conversion of a yarn is carried out by a process termed as
a) weaving b) spinning c) combing d) carding
37. A primary property of a textile fiber which refers to adequate strength is
a) cohesiveness b) flexibility c) density d) tenacity
38. Find the odd one out
a) cotton b) jute c) linen d) silk
39. The basis of polypropylene fibers are
a) methane b) propane c) propylene d) ethane
40. The secondary property of a textile fiber is
a) tenacity b) luster c) flexibility d) uniformity
41. Fibers that are measured in centimeters or inch are
a) staple fibers b) filament fibers c) short fibers d) long fibers
42. Fibers that are measured in miles or kilometers are
a) staple fibers b) filament fibers c) short fibers d) long fibers
43. Tenacity is the term usually applied to the strength of
a) fiber b) yarn c) fabric d) cotton
44. Denier is the term applied to the strength of
a) fiber b) yarn c) fabric d) cotton
45. The property of bending without breaking is
a) bending strength b) flexibility c) spinning quality d) tenacity
46. Cohesiveness is otherwise termed as
a) spinning quality b) uniformity c) adhesivity d) tenacity
47. Texturizing is the processes that introduce
a) coils b) crimp c) zigzag shaping d) all the above
48. Density is expressed as
a) mass per unit volume b) relative mass per unit volume c) none of the above d) both a and b
49. The primary property essential for a fiber is
a) lustre b) density c) length to width ratio d) resiliency
50. Luster of fibers can be reduce through the addition of
a) sodium hydroxide b) titanium dioxide c) diphosphate d) potassium dichromate
51. The ability of a fiber to return to shape following compression, bending or similar deformation is termed as
a) elastic recovery b) elongation c) resiliency d) spinning quality
52. If the arrangement of molecules within the fiber are parallel to each other and to the longitudinal axis of the fiber then
a) high orientation b) low orientation c) crystalline d) amorphous
53. If the arrangement of molecules within the fiber are parallel to each other but not parallel to each other and to the longitudinal axis of the fiber then it is
a) high orientation b) low orientation c) crystalline d) amorphous
54. When the fiber molecules are arranged in random then it is
a) high orientation b) low orientation c) crystalline d) amorphous
55. An important type of associative force in textiles
a) carbon bonding b) hydrogen bonding c) oxygen bonding d) coo bonding
56. Molecular slippage is likely to be at a maximum in
a) amorphous areas b) crystalline area c) both d) none of the above
57. Molecular slippage is likely to be at a minimum in
a) amorphous areas b) crystalline areas c) both d) none of the above
58. Cat tail is a ……………..fiber
a) seed hair b) bast c) leaf d) animal hair
59. Spot the odd one out
a) kenaf b) urene c) sunn d) yucca
60. The leaf fiber is
a) cotton b) palm c) jute d) kapok
61. Dupioni is a
a) animal hair b) animal secretion c) leaf fiber d) none of the above
62. Sunn is a
a) cellulosic fiber b) protein fiber c) minarel fiber d) rubber
63. Spot the odd one out
a) wet spinning b) dry spinning c) melt spinning d) pad spinning
64. Cellulose is made up of
a) C,H,O b) C,H,N c) C,H, COOH d) C,N,COOH
65. Tenacity of cotton is
a) 3 – 5 gms / denier b) 3 – 7 gms / denier
66. …………… are used as the garment fasteners
67. ………………… is used in front fly open
68. This effect is produced by applying pieces of fabric or different shapes and sizes to the user face and another fabric
a) band b) beads c) applique d) motif
69. This is effectively used on many areas of a garment
a) riping b) embroidery c) draq string d) rouleau
70. This is inserted in the casing or hem to pull area or fulled together
a) a cord b) hook c) velcro d) elastic
71. This is a decorative knotting using two basic knots, the flat and the half hitch, with variations
a) patch b) macrame c) applique d) motif
72. One strip is covered with hooks and the other with very fine loops.
a) lace b) velcro c) zippers d) buttons
73. These are rolls or folds of fabrics, used for making loops and piping for fastening
a) snap fasteners b) zip fasteners c) rouleau fastening d) draw string
74. This type of fastening is introduced on sports wear and industrial garments
a) hook& eye b) button & button hole c) velcro d) snap fasteners
75. This is often used at the neck of a dress, or blarse or at the waist as a belt, serve as a fastener
a) bows b) button loops c) draw string d) frog fastening
76. These may be made from cording or braid
a) frog fastening b) velcro c) lacing d) snap fasteners
77. This is a decorative fastening that can be introduced into a design in many ways.
a) tie knot b) eye lets c) lacing d) zippers
78. An attractive feature used in design
a) fringing b) darts c) pleat d) vent
79. Are used in a variety of ways on different areas or a garment such as the yolles, sleeves, skirt or panel lines.
a) gathering b) darts c) pleats d) tucks
80. A round, flat type of cap clietly associated with the basque peasant
a) Gandhi cap b) beret c) hat d) turban
81. Generally speaking, this means made – to – measure
a) prer – a – parter b) ready – to – wear c) bespoke d) fitting
82. This type or garment is usually wear, while riding a harse
a) blazer b) fitted pant c) bell bottom pant d) breeches
83. Gt is used to remove fullness from certain parts or the garment
a) gather b) pleat c) dart d) tuck
84. LEVI’S brand is the example or ……………….
a) swim wear b) bridal c) jeans d) children
85. ‘Olega’ brand is the example for …………………..
a) womens intimate wear b) suits c) sports wear d) leotards
86. DKNY is the example of the brand name of ……………
a) leotards b) jeans c) womens sports wear d) underwear
87. ‘Van Heusen’ is the example of the brand name of …………….
a) jeans b) womens shirts c) suits d) men’s shirts
88. ‘Jockey’ is the example of the brand name of …………..
a) underwear b) ladies wear c) pants d) shirts
89. ‘NIKE’ is the example of the brand name of ……………….
a) women’s swim wear b) children’s wear c) bridal d) sports wear
90. Cotton is affected by
a) alkalies b) strong acids c) cold dilute acids d) all the above
91. “King of fibers” is
a) cotton b) jute c) silk d) nylon
92. Which fiber is popularly called ‘Golden fiber’?
a) cotton b) silk c) jute d) flax
93. ‘Chain crass’ is
a) cotton b) kapok c) ramie d) linen
94. Linen is the other name given to
a) cotton b) flax c) ramie d) kapok
95. The short fibers are termed as
a) line b) tow c) filament d) lint
96. Hacking is the term given to …………… operation
a) carding b) scutchin c) combing d) pulling
97. In fabric form jute is frequently called
a) blended fabric b) burlap c) jute d) kenaf
98. The tenacity of ramie varies from
a) 5.3 – 7.6 gms / denier b) 9 – 11 gme / denier c) 7 – 8 gms / denier d) 1 – 5 gms / denier
99. The fiber abaca is obtained from
a) sisal b) banana c) pineapple d) jute
100. The fiber which is mainly used for padding and stuffing particularly upholstery is
a) cotton b) kapok c) hemp d) urena
101. The fiber which was popularly termed as ‘Artificial silk’ is
a) Nylon b) urena c) arnol d) rayon
102. The finest quality wool is obtained from
a) Delaine b) merino c) rambouillet d) lincoln
103. Shoddy is the term which indicates
a) reprocessed wool b) wool c) reused wool d) none of the above
104. The fiber obtained from Angora goat is
a) alpaca b) mohair c) cashmere d) angora
105. Angora fiber is obtained from
a) angora goat b) angora rabbit c) both d) none of these
106. Solution of sodium hydroxide at ……………… percentage dissolves wool.
a) 2% b) 3% c) 4% d) 5%
a. good, b. moderate, c. fair, d. poor
107. ‘Queen of fibers’ is
a) cotton b) silk c) rayon d) wool
108. The gummy substance which coats the silk fiber is
a) pectin b) glutin c) sericin d) all the above
109. Tram silk is a
a) low – twist ply yarn b) medium twist ply yarn c) high – twist ply yarn d) none of these
110. Organzine silk is a
a) low – twist ply yarn b) medium twist ply yarn c) high – twist ply yarn d) none of these
111. In silk, the process to where twist is inserted is termed as
a) Reeling b) throwing c) Spinning d) degumming
112. Degumming is carried out to remove
a) pectin b) gluten c) sericin d) none of the above
113. The resiliency of silk is
a) very good b) good c) moderate d) poor
114. The bleach which tends to destroy silk is
a) chlorine b) hydrogen per oxide c) d) all the above
115. Silk is affected by
a) alkalies b) acids c) chlorine d) all the above
116. The actual fiber protein in silk is
a) sericine b) alanine c) tyrosine d) fiborin
117. Tyrex, employed in the manufacture of vehicle tyres is obtained from
a) rayon b) acetate c) nytril d) vinyon
118. The generic name Azlon refers to
a) man – made cellulosic fibers b) man – made protein fibers c) polyamides d) none of the above
119. Azlons gave off disagreeable odor when wet because were made out of
a) Chemicals b) food sources c) Animal hair d) animal secretion
120. Ardil was made from the protein in
a) casein b) soya bean c) Peanut d) corn
121. In Nylon 6, 6 the numbers 6 and 6 refers to the number of
a) Amide b) nitrogen c) Oxygen d) carbon
122. Polymerization of caprolactam produces
a) Nylon 6, 6 b) nylon 6 c) Nylon 6, 10 d) none of the above
123. ‘Brooke brothers’ is the example of the brand name of…….
a) Jeans b) suit c) Sports for women d) rain coats
124. ‘Bali’ is the example or the brand name for
a) Sportswear b) women’s intimate apparel c) Suits d) pants
125. ‘Esprit’ is the example of the brand name for …………….
a) junior’s sportswear b) rain coat c) Suits d) wools
126. ‘London fog’ in the example of the brand name for ………….
a) suits b) sports dress c) rain coats d) intimate wear
127. Example of private labels
a) j.c.penny’s Worthington b) hunt club c) The gap’s d) all the above
128. ………………… is the copy or near copy of a design under a different brand name
a) Private labels b) licensing c) Knockoffs d) counterfeit
129. ……………… are fakes or copies of currently popular branded labels.
a) Branded labels b) counterfeit goods c) Licensing d) knockoff
130. This type of labeling suggest to consumers the suitability of a garment for their body dimensions
a) Wash care labeling b) brand labeling c) Size labeling d) country of origin labeling
131. This is a key factor in the production, marketing, buying and selling of RTW apparel
a) Quality b) aesthetic performance c) Intrinsic attributes d) attractiveness
132. The French term for ready – to – wear is ……………….
a) Boutique b) pret – a – porter c) Couturier d) haute couture
133. ……………… refers to high quality clothing custom made or made to measure, for a specific individual
a) Couture (kootur) b) pret – a – porter c) Liz Claiborne d) value priced
134. Couture clothing literally means in French
a) Designer clothing b) private labels c) Mass production d) fine sewing
135. ……………… is a comparable term for high quality, custom made men’s suits, usually from London
a) Ready – to – wear b) private labels c) Bespoke c) designer’s clothing
136. ……………… is the inter face between an organization and its customers
a) customer’s satisfaction b) marketing c) Fashion forecast d) product assortment
137. …………… that support the choices of style direction, color, fabric and pattern also be presented.
a) sloper b) sourcing c) Story boards d) drafting
138. …………. is the process of estimating and then determining the total cost of producing garment.
a) Merchandising b) manufacturing c) Costing d) marketing
139. Dyed color samples also called……………………
a) strike offs b) shade brands c) Shade approval d) lab dips
140. ……………. refers to how well the garment confirms to the three – dimensional human body.
a) Quality b) fitting c) Inspection d) customer
141. The…………………….. Consists of all the sizes of graded patterns super imposed on one another.
a) Graded nest b) computerized grading c) Marker making d) CAD – systems
142. Black lines and spaces read by a laser beam; used to electronically identity a product
a) Bar tack b) brand c) bar code d) Chroma
143. Garments having two legs, called
a) Upper torso b) bifurcated garments c) Bagging d) bespoke
144. Basic pattern used to produce a basic fitted garment
a) sloper b) torso c) Body sizes d) making
145. Equal tension on needle, bobbin and / or looper threads
a) Balanced tension b) stitch density c) Seam strength d) sew ability
146. Temporary stitches, also means
a) Back stitch b) over lock c) Basting d) feed off the arm
147. Wet process using color – removing agents
a) Bedding b) barcode c) Back tack d) bleaching
148. Seam made by using fabric binding strips to encase raw edges
a) Run and fell seam b) over lock seam c) Bound seam d) French seam
149. Stiff plastic strips sewn to garment seams to add shape and support
a) Boning b) canvas c) Fusible inter lining d) buckram
150. Annual gathering of approval manufacturers in Atlanta
a) Bobbin show b) fashion show c) Trade show d) brand show
151. Narrow bias strips of fabric used to face raw edges
a) Poplin b) bias facing c) Alpaca d) canvas
152. Two distinct fabrics glued together as one
a) Canvas b) hair canvas c) Heavy fabric d) bonded fabric
153. Intensity of color – brightness versus dullness
a) vibgyor b) hue c) Chroma d) magenta
154. Pictorial representation of refurbishing instructions
a) Care symbol b) country of origin c) fiber content d) size
155. Performance advantage that results from the garments physical features
a) Aesthetic look b) durability c) Buying benefit d) comfort ability
156. Tunnel of fabric through which elastic or a draw string is threaded to provide shape to the garment
a) Boning b) casing c) Cord d) braid
157. Inter looped stitch in also known as
a) Lock stitch b) over lock stitch c) Chain stitch d) French seam
158. Seam that has split apart because the stitches have broken
a) Skipped stitch b) broken seam c) Seam grain d) puckering
159. Style that takes decades to move through the whole fashion cycle
a) Classic b) modern c) Traditional d) formal
160. Diamond shaped symbols used for accurate joining of pieces
a) Awl b) bodkin c) Notches d) magic tape
161. Heavy outer line on pattern piece is the
a) Circles b) cutting line c) Notches d) small arrows
162. Straight line ending in arrow heads
a) Grain line markings b) hemline c) Darts d) seam line
163. The extra amount of garment looseness is called
a) Measurement b) wearing ease c) Proportion d) dis – proportion
164. A cuff that is cut doubles the width of a standard cuff, exposing the facing
a) Shirt cuff b) lapped cuff c) French cuff d) fusing
165. A cuff that has one end projecting from the placket edge
a) French cuff b) lapped cuff c) Blouse cuff d) single cuff
166. Three or four hand stitches in the same spot to hold two pieces of fabrics together.
a) Mitering b) lining c) Over tacking d) inter facing
167. Suits, tuxedos, over coat, top coat and separate trousers for business and evening wear is called
a) Sportswear b) tailored clothing c) Work wear d) furnishings
168. “Furnishings” include the following item
a) Hosiery b) ski jacket c) Tennis shorts d) wallets
169. Sportswear comprises of
a) Sweaters b) pant c) cuff links d) wallets
170. Scarves, gloves, jewelry such as cuff links and eyewear come under the title or
a) Active sportswear b) furnishing c) Accessories d) tailored clothing
171. Polymerization of podscalcium produces
a) Nylon 6 b) nylon 6, 6 c) Nylon 12 d) nylon 3
172. The formation of tiny balls of fiber on the surface of the cloth is
a) Filing b) balling c) Raising d) pilling
173. Body armor and protective clothing are made from
a) Nylon b) ardil c) Kevlar d) vinyl
174. Nomex is a
a) Nylon b) ardil c) Aramid d) vinyon
175. Dacron and terrene belong to
a) Nylon b) aramid c) vinyon d) polyester
176. Polyester, which does not undergo the process tend to shrink at elevated temperatures
a) Mercerized b) texturized c) Heat set d) tentered
177. Polyester is resistant to
a) weak alkalis b) weak acids c) Strong acid at room temperature d) all the above
178. Mostly crochet and knitting yarns are made up of
a) Acrylic b) wool c) Silk d) jute
179. The natural mineral fiber is
a) Glass b) asbestos c) Carbon d) none of the above
180. The man – made mineral fiber is
a) Asbestos b) cotton c) arnel d) none of the above
181. Glass fiber is made from
a) Silica b) limestone c) Soda ash and borax d) all the above
182. The process by which either solid colors or prints can be applied to the glass fibers is
a) Dyeing b) printing c) coronizing d) painting
183. Which of the following is a matrix fibre composed of 50% poly vinyl chloride and 50% polyvinyl alcohol?
a) cord élan b) asbestos c) arnel d) none of the above
184. Graphite is the term when the carbon percent is
a) 90 b) 95 c) 97 d) 99
185. The ………………..fibers are black in color and have a silky sheen
a) glass b) carbon c) asbestos d) arnel
186. Fibres which change colour are
a) dexon b) chameleon fibers c) cord élan fibers d) polychromatic fibers
187. The cloth straight from the loom is
a) Raw goods b) finished fabric c) Gray fabric d) none of the above
188. Thermoplastic property is exhibited by
a) orlon B) rayon c) Cotton d) silk
189. The two adjacent silk filament fibers extruded from the silk worm are
a) fiber b) ply yarn c) brims d) braids
190. A process by which natural fibers are sorted, separated and partially aligned
a) combing b) grading c) ginning d) carding
191. A process by which natural fibers are sorted and straightened is
a) Combing b) grading c) Ginning d) carding
192. Cotton fibers that are too short for yarn or fabric manufacturing
a) Tow b) lint c) Linters d) fibers
193. A bast fiber obtained from agare plant is
a) Sisal b) jute c) Sunny d) kapok
194. Short ends of silk fibers used in making rough, textured spun yarns or blends often termed as waste silk is
a) short fiber b) noel c) Fiber d) none of the above
195. The textile fiber made from tetra fluroethylene monomer is
a) tetlon b) tetran c) teflon d) tetraiene
196. Spun yarns are composed of
a) staple fibres b) filament fibres c) tow d) thread
197. Smooth – surfaced yarn spun from long – staple evenly combed wool fibers is
a) woof yarns b) waffle c) wale d) worsted yarn
198. Ceramic fibers are made from
a) aluminiumsillicate b) sodium sillicate c) potassiumsillicate d) sodium hydroxide
199. The fibres composed of amino acids that have been formed into polypeptide chains are
a) cellulosic b) protein c) minerals d) acetate
200. Wool taken from the hides of slaughtered animals is called
a) clip wool b) fleece wool c) pulled wool d) all the above
Key Answers of Above Questions:
- a) drafting, b) draping
- block pattern
- working pattern
- b) three dimensional
- true
- true
- c) pattern drafting
- b) pattern draping
- d) basic pattern set
- b) ease
- c) test fit
- d) dart
- b) grain
- d) length grain
- c) pattern balance
- a) garment balance
- b) bias
- c) pattern grain line
- c) grain line with arrows
- b) vertical
- a) measurement
- c) anthropometry
- basic
- oldest
- grading
- production pattern / industrial pattern
- true
- block pattern
- true
- c) industrial pattern making
- thick paper bound
- true
- false
- marsh dam layout
- a) fibre
- b) spinning
- d) tenacity
- d) silk
- b) propare
- b) luster
- a) staple fibres
- b) filament fibres
- a) fiber
- b) yarn
- b) flexibility
- a) spinning quality
- d) all the above
- a) mass per unit volume
- c) length to width ratio
- b) titanium dioxide
- c) resiliency
- a) high orientation
- c) crystalline
- d) amorphous
- b) hydrogen bonding
- a) amorphous areas
- b) crystalline area
- d) animal hair
- d) yucca
- b) palm
- b) animal secretion
- a) cellulosic fibre
- d) pad spinning
- a) CHO
- a) 3 – 5gms / denier
- buttons
- zipper
- c) applique
- b) draw string
- a) a cord
- b) macrame
- b) velcro
- c) rouleam fastenings
- d) snap fastenings
- a) bows
- a) frog fastenings
- c) lacing
- a) fringing
- 79. a) gathering
- b) beret
- c) bespoke
- d) breeches
- c) dart
- c) jeans
- a) women’s intimate wear
- c) women’s wear
- d) men’s shirt
- a) underwear
- d) sports wear
- b) strong acids
- a) cotton
- c) jute
- c) ramie
- b) flax
- b) tow
- c) combing
- b) bur lap
- a) 5.3 – 7.5 gms / denier
- b) banana
- b) kapok
- d) rayon
- b) merino
- c) reused wool
- b) mohair
- b) angora rabbit
- d) 5%
- b) silk
- c) sericin
- a) low twist ply yarn
- b) medium twist ply yarn
- b) throwing
- c) sericin
- c) moderate
- a) chlorine
- d) all the above
- d) fibrocin
- a) rayon
- b) man made protein fibers
- b) food sources
- c) peanut
- d) carbon
- d) none of the above
- b) suits
- b) women’s intimate apparel
- a) juniors sports wear
- c) rain coat
- d) all the above
- c) knock offs
- b) counter feit goods
- c) size labeling
- a) quality
- b) pret – a- porter
- a) couture
- d) fine sewing
- c) bespoke
- b) marketing
- c) story board
- c) costing
- d) lab dips
- b) fitting
- a) graded nest
- c) barcode
- b) bifurcated garments
- a) sloper
- a) balanced tension
- c) basting
- d) bleaching
- c) bound seam
- a) boning
- a) bobbin show
- b) bias facing
- d) bounded fabric
- c) chroma
- a) care symbol
- c) buying benefit
- b) casing
- c) chain stitch
- b) broken seam
- a) classic
- c) notches
- b) cutting line
- a) grain line markings
- b) wearing ease
- c) french cuff
- b) lapped cuff
- c) over tacking
- b) tailored clothing
- a) hosiery
- a) sweaters
- c) accessories
- c) nylon 12
- d) pilling
- c) kevlar
- c) aramid
- d) polyester
- c) heat set
- d) all the above
- a) acrylic
- b) asbestos
- d) none of the above
- d) all the above
- c) coronizing
- a) cordelam
- d) 99
- b) carbon
- b) chameleon fibres
- c) gray fabric
- a) orlon
- c) brins
- d) carding
- a) combing
- c) linters
- a) sisal
- b) noil
- c) Teflon
- a) staple fibres
- d) worsted yarn
- a) aluminium silicate
- b) protein
- c) pulled wool
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.