Impact of Fashion on People’s Health
Shubham Anil Jain
Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited
Bangalore, India
Health and fashion have a complicated relationship; sometimes, current health and disease beliefs influence fashion, and other times, fashion itself causes disease. High fashion frequently has a direct effect on people’s health. One tends to sacrifice on the health front without compromising on the hotness front in the media circus age, especially for women who are more likely to involve to fashion trends. Remember the tale of how during the Victorian era the women’s corsets had an impact on their spine and lung capacity. Fashion has played an important role in our health throughout history, particularly among females, and it continues to do so today.
Fashion can have both positive and negative impact on health. On one hand, it can encourage physical activity, protect the body from environmental factors, and improve self-esteem and mental health. On the other hand, fashion trends that promote unrealistic body standards can lead to body dissatisfaction and eating disorders, while uncomfortable clothing and exposure to harmful chemicals can cause discomfort, pain, and health issues.
Fashion Trends that Impact People’s Health:
1. High Heels:
A pair of high heels can make an outfit stand out. But keep the deadly heels for rare occasions to protect your feet, back, and posture. More than three times a week of wearing heels shortens the muscles in your back and calves, which can cause persistent pain and muscle spasms. Nerve damage and bunions are inevitable when toes are squeezed into small shoes. Moreover, heels cause you to lean forward, placing stress on your spine and raising your risk of sciatica.
2. Jeans That Squeeze Too Much:
Shapewear, spanx, and other compression undergarments assist us mould our bodies to be more suitable for body-hugging dresses and thin pants. Our bodies, however, are not suited for such confinement. Wearing clothing that is too tight might compress the nerves, causing pain, numbness, and tingling. Reflux can be brought on by uncomfortable belts or waistbands around the stomach. Some women have had bladder infections and yeast infections as a result of holding out too long to use the restroom because they can’t take off their shapewear.
3. Select Reputable and Clean Artists for Piercings and Tattoos:
A minimum of 25% of persons under the age of 40 who have tattoos regret getting them. Ink is forced into the dermis during tattooing, and any process that compromises the skin’s natural barrier opens the door for bacteria and viruses. Tiny localized infections near the tattoo can quickly spread to nearby skin areas and develop into cellulitis, or they might enter the bloodstream and result in sepsis.
4. Waist training: The Big Squeeze:
Waist training involves using devices resembling corsets to shape your body into a smaller shape and achieve the much-desired hourglass appearance. When celebrities like the Kardashians started promoting waist-snatching devices in 2017, corset wearing experienced resurgence in popularity. Corsets first became fashionable in the 18th and 19th centuries. Yet there are a number of drawbacks to wearing a very tight gadget around your waist. By compressing your lungs and putting pressure on internal organs like your liver and bowel, waist training makes breathing challenging. Victorian corset-wearing women’s skeletons displayed spine-related skeletal alterations. Moreover, waist training won’t help you lose belly fat permanently since as you take the corset off, your body fat returns to its original location.
5. Bulky necklaces and earrings:
Recent studies show that bacterial infections occur in 20% of all ear piercings. Also, doing a procedure wrong can cause an infection to spread later on and endanger your life. While wearing huge, heavy earrings, the earlobes are frequently damaged, which necessitates plastic surgery to correct. The same is true of necklaces; a hefty one can result in neck pain, even contractures that are challenging to repair.
6. The implications for health of hair color:
Hair damage might result by coloring it with a low-quality hair dye. The upper eyelids or ear rims may itch as a sign of a mild reaction and in rare and severe circumstances, the entire head or body may become affected. The majority of boxed, chemical hair colors that are labelled as “natural” don’t contain peroxide, ammonia, or resorcinol. To keep your hair color vibrant and healthy, be sure to use a deep conditioner or products designed for colored hair. The best course of action is to steer clear of semi-permanent color because it discolors your hair shaft and hides grey hair after six to eight shampoos.
7. Ties:
Not just women experience discomfort from their clothing. A Cornell University research found that 67% of men purchase shirts that are too small around the neck. Little shirts and tight ties restrict neck movement, impair blood flow, raise intraocular pressure, exacerbate headaches, and exacerbate muscle strain in the back and shoulders.
In today’s society, especially among image-conscious females, the effects of body image, trend, body shape, and size on clothing choosing and fashion consumption are significant. The study emphasizes how influential role models like celebrities are in shaping consumer preferences and purchasing habits. It is significant to highlight that psychological preferences strongly influence the views of today’s sophisticated fashion customers towards what is regarded as appropriate and worthwhile.
- Fookes C, B Pharm. Current Fashion Trends That May Affect Your Health., 2019.
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