Importance of Efficient Human Resource Management for Effective Production Management in the Field of Textile Industry
Mohammad Shahadat Hossain
Currently working on Merchandising for a buying liaison office.
Studied B.Sc. in Textile Engineering from Daffodil International University
Ready-made garment sector of Bangladesh is now in the 2nd position of export around the world for its export accounts 27.95 billion U.S. dollars in 2019-2020 fiscal year. This was a decrease for the COVID-19 pandemic from the previous year, in which RMG exports in Bangladesh amounted to just over 34 billion U.S. dollars. So this sector has a vital impact on our economy and growth rate. Hence we should insist on the proper textile production management system where HRM is an elementary part.
Human resource is one of the vital assets for the organizational activities of Industries. So human resource management is an integral part of industrial management. In our assignment we are focusing textile industry for its human resource management system, its technique, development, comparison, role in industry usefulness, application.
Keywords: Cortex, Mind mapping, Psychology, production efficiency, Career planning, Hierarchy of needs, Operation management
Literature Review:
To illustrate a details idea about the necessity of HR in Textile Industry and its development to visualize the whole production process, this study is based on the primary source of data and also the secondary source of data. Secondary source included various types of journal and news, research document, subject related website. Primary source is included the opinion of various textile and business professional including university teacher. Literature review covers conceptualizing the idea, condition, contribution, present situation analysis, human resource development, training aspect.

The advent of technological advancement in industrial set-ups has altered the working conditions and requirements on the part of employees and employers. Also the changes in government policies have also been taken place since the last decade. Different work patterns like night shift, part time work, overtime, etc. is being experienced. The situation is same in textile sector also.
The advent of HR practices in textile sector was rather slow in comparison to other industrial sectors. But due to globalization there is increase in competition as a result development of human resource has become essential. However organized HR practices are being adopted mostly by the mill sector. In last decade we have seen not so good performance by textile sector, this was because of lack of HRD department in many mills. But the scenario has changed as HRD departments have taken up their role in textile sectors. Various training programmes pertaining to training of workforce, textile related topics have helped in enhancing the overall performance of the textile companies.
Every organization or industry is not only made by brick, cement or wood but it builds by 4 m’s. They are:
- Money
- Material
- Machines and
- Men
The man is ultimate resources of the organization because they think, speck, so that utilization of this resource is very critical. Every success of origination is depending on efficient and effective man power. HR starts when a man enters in the organization and its end, when he leaves the organization. HR deals with the human dimension.
Success or failure of an organization depends on the effective coordination of the resources such as money, material, machinery and men. Among these, the role and operation of men is the most complex. All the activities of an organization are initiated and completed by the persons who make up the organization. Therefore, people are the most significant resources of any organization. HRM is known by different names – Personal management, personal administration, man power management.
Conceptualizing the Idea:
I want to welcome all of you to simple and confined area of human cortex but a versatile world of human sensation because with the use and abuse of sense a man can be resources or can be burden. Sensation is very much related to the self-satisfaction which is coming from the fulfillment of human needs and a satisfied mind is the power house of potentiality, innovation, exploration for what today’s industrial development is possible. We should know that innovation and exploration cannot be come from the hut where survival is the challenge, their exploration and innovation is for their food and shelter. So to get the proper output at first we should have to fulfill the basic needs. But from the Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs we know that human needs are variable and it varies from man to man depending on qualification and standard. So this is actually a mind mapping or psychological management system to ensure the better production and business development efficiency is called the Human Resource Management (HRM).
About the Condition of HRM in the Textile Industry:
It is common phenomena at every industry is Man, material, machine, method, management, money and market. The role of HRM (earlier known as personnel management, labor and welfare officer etc.) is for every aspect and for each area, it needs proper training, work culture to develop, systems to introduce i.e. system that should work not any individual. The picture below shows the all about HRM and its role.

Contribution of HRM to Organization:
- Helping the organization to search its goal.
- Employing the skills and the activities of the workforce efficiently.
- Providing the organization with well trained and well-motivated employee.
- Increasing to the fullest the employee’s job satisfaction.
- Developing and maintaining quality of work life
- Communication
- Helping to other department and function
The basic concept of HRM is to attract and retain the right person at right place in right time with right remuneration. In textile HRM should appoint the skillful employ at the right, appropriate and correct place where HR can express capabilities. For textile industries, it should treat the employee as an asset of the company.
A simple human transform as an asset by selection of right person for right place and trained him and provide adequate career development opportunity. In textile a major issues are the wages and salaries, lack in transparency in promotion and increments. Hence HR should take care about that and make structure in such way that it satisfies both worker (employees) and management. HR plays just like a bridge between management and employees.
Role of HRM:
The role of human resource management in organization is at counter stage. Managers are aware that HRM is a function that must play a vital role in the success of organization. It is an active participant in charting the strategic course an organization must take place to remain competitive, productive and efficient. Its focal point is people; people are the life blood of the organization. The uniqueness of HRM lies in its emphases on the people in work setting and its concerns for the well living and comfort of the human resources in an organization. The HRM function is much more integrated and strategically involved. HRM and every other functions must work together to achieve the level of organization. Effectiveness required competing locally and internationally.
It is the action oriented, individual oriented, globally oriented and future oriented. It focuses on satisfying the needs of individual at work.
Functions and businesses need to integrate for effecting customer service.
The approach to HRM differs from organization to organization depending on how much it is valued by the management Technological change, innovation and heightened competition drive to increase the skill of employees. Competitive challenges motivate to companies to use their human resources effetely.

Human Resource Development:
Textile industry gives employment to millions of people. In order to recruit skilled workforce in textile sector, proper training programmes would thus facilitate in supply of well qualified workforce. Thus the role of HRD has gained momentum in terms of employing manpower that satisfies the professional requirements of this sector and that is well skilled. Thus many collaboration among many multinational companies and educational institutions has been observed.
The HRD department of any company is responsible recruiting skilled labors and executives, allocation and planning of work, monitoring of workforce and performance appraisal. It is also responsible to timely up gradation of skills of the workforce by organizing educative professional workshops or seminars. If HRD activities are carried out in proper professional manner it could result into minimization of cost and wastage, right recruitment of workforce, increased stability of the company, flexible enough to cope up with futuristic developments and most important maximizes production.
Training Aspect in Textile Industries and HRM:
Nowadays the recruitment of the workforce has become a specialized field. The main motive is skill development as technical jobs are becoming more complex and demand more professional skill. As at managerial and marketing level, skills and knowledge demand have increased in importance. So before imparting training with respect to textile or garment industry the training program should be so designed that it covers the skills that will be required in long term and short term basis.
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Generally, when some new skills are to be taught to upgrade the ongoing work profile, on the job training and special course classes could be arranged to upgrade the employee’s skills and knowledge. But after a certain level, the recruitment of higher posts requiring specialized skills are done through direct recruitment method. In such cases, the capabilities of present work force should also be taken care.
Introduction of new technologies and processes in the textile industry have increased productivity on the one hand, but had been the cause of redundancy and eventual retrenchment for a lot of workers who used to work in repetitive, boring but labor intensive job in this particular sector. Human resource development should be able to trace the interested people who want to take the new challenge rather than to take VRS.
The HRD department of any company is responsible recruiting skilled labors and executives, allocation and planning of work, monitoring of workforce and performance appraisal. It is also responsible to timely up gradation of skills of the workforce by organizing educative professional workshops or seminars. If HRD activities are carried out in proper professional manner it could result into minimization of cost and wastage, right recruitment of workforce, increased stability of the company, flexible enough to cope up with futuristic developments and most important maximizes production.
The Textile Industries are not so attractive and lucrative, neither for the freshers nor for the employees because of several lacunas. It can be made more attractive and profit making with proper vision, mission and strategic plannings as described in the text. Starting from the recruitment, the talents and merits are to be given preferences and the people are to be trained with feels of responsibility, ethical values and discipline. In this case, human resource management in textile industry can play significant role.
The awareness and work culture are to be taught at all level. Proper compensation to be paid at all level with zeal and the transparency should be maintained. Feedback, suggestions, relationship at all levels are to be maintained. Thick pay packet cannot give 100% satisfaction but value addition, respect, important, uniform code of conduct will bring the cheers among the employees and that will a path for the progress.
- Basu Bibekanndo,The role HRM in textile industry/
- Ghebregiorgis, F., and Karstan, L. (2007), Employee reactions to human resource management and performance in a developing country, Personnel Review, Vol.36, No.5, pp. 722-738.
- Role of HRM in Textiles, by Mr. Ajay Shankar Joshi, Shri Vaibhav Institute of Tech and Science, Indore.
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.