HVI 1000:
HVI 1000 is a high volume instrument which is produced by world famous USTER Company. It is commonly known as USTER HVI 1000. It measures the most important cotton fiber properties for cotton classing purposes (and high-throughput requirements for spinning mills). It is the global reference tool for cotton classification, producing accurate and reliable results. It is founded on more than 60 years of fiber testing expertise and over 30 years of cotton classing experience worldwide.
Features of HVI 1000:
- It measures all the important quality parameters currently used by spinning mills such as micronaire, fiber length, length uniformity, strength, color, and trash.
- Additional information on short fibers, cotton maturity and sample moisture content are also evaluated.
- 700 samples can be tested per 8-hour shift
Functions of HVI 1000:
A lot of works are determined by HVI 1000. These are point out below:
- Length,
- Uniformity,
- Short fiber index,
- Micronaire Value,
- Maturity index,
- Strength,
- Elongation,
- Color and trash, and
- Moisture content.
Components of HVI 1000:
- Balance
- Barcode Reader
- Computer
- Monitor,
- Keyboard
- Printer and
- Printer table
Application of USTER HVI 1000:
100% cotton samples in the form of bale or opened and cleaned material (card mat). Uster HVI 1000 is used for the measurements of the following parameters:
- Micronaire
- Maturity Index
- UHML – Upper Half Mean Length
- UI – Uniformity Index
- SFI – Short Fiber Index
- Fiber Strength in g/Tex
- Elongation
- Moisture Content
- Color (Reflectance Rd, Yellowness +b) & Color Grade (USDA Upland, Pima, or regional customized color chart)
- Trash (% Area, Trash Count) & Trash Grade (USDA)
- SCI (Spinning Consistency Index)
A short description of each parameter is given below:
Micronaire: Micronaire Reading
Measured by relating airflow resistance to the specific surface of fibers.
Maturity: Maturity Ratio
Calculated using a sophisticated algorithm based on several HVI™ measurements.
Length: Upper Half Mean Length, Uniformity Index, Short Fiber Index
Measured optically in a tapered fiber beard which is automatically prepared, carded, and brushed.
Strength: Strength, Elongation
Strength is measured physically by clamping a fiber bundle between 2 pairs of clamps at known distance. The second pair of clamps pulls away from the first pair at a constant speed until the fiber bundle breaks. The distance it travels, extending the fiber bundle before breakage, is reported as elongation.
Moisture: Moisture Content
Moisture content of the cotton sample at the time of testing, using conductive moisture probe.
Color: Rd (Whiteness), +b (Yellowness), Color Grade
Measured optically by different color filters, converted to USDA Upland or Pima Color Grades or regional customized color chart.
Trash: Particle Count, % Surface Area Covered by Trash, Trash Code
Measured optically by utilizing a digital camera, and converted to USDA trash grades or customized regional trash standards.
You may also like:
- USTER HVI 1000: Principles of Fiber Testing
- An Overview of USTER CLASSIMAT
- Classification of Textile Testing: Fiber Testing, Yarn Testing, Fabric Testing
- Different Types of Testing Equipments Used in Textile Lab

Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.