The test method by which this test is carried out is ISO 105 E03. Color fastness to chlorinated swimming pool water is getting more importance in terry towel industry for swimwear and also for yarn dyeing. This method is designed to evaluate the resistance to Chlorinated Pool Water of any colored textile substrate. Here, the test specimen is treated in diluted Chlorine solution under specified conditions of available chlorine content, time and pH condition.
Pool water is water in a large container to which various chemicals are added to maintain purity and clarity, normally used for swimming. In swimming pools, active chlorine is added at a certain rate for the disinfection of the water inside. This water causes discoloration and discoloration of swimwear and towels. Fading or discoloration is due to oxidation caused by the active chlorine substance. Color fastness of reactive dyes, metal complex dyes and acid dyes is very low. Beach towels dyed with these dyes or swimsuits made of polyamide are sensitive to the high chlorine content found in pool water and laundry detergents. Therefore, it is important to confirm the color fastness of these products to chlorinated pool water.
Purpose and Scope:
Color fastness to chlorinated water test method is intended for evaluating the resistance to chlorinated pool water of dyed, printed or otherwise colored textile yarns and fabrics of all kinds.
Yarn or fabric specimens are agitated at a fixed rate in diluted chlorine solution under specified conditions of temperature, time, pH and water hardness. The dried specimens are evaluated for change in color.
Apparatus and Materials:
- Gyrowash
- Grey scale
- Distilled or deionized water
- Color matching chamber
- Glass beaker
- Stainless steel container
- pH meter
- Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3).
- Acetic acid (CH3COOH).
Preparation of Reagents:
Deionized or distilled water to which 5 ppm chlorine and 100 ppm salts (hardness concentrate) are added; adjusted to 21°C (70°F) and pH 7.0 with sodium carbonate or acetic acid.
Sample Preparation:
Colored specimens, approximately 6 x 6 cm. Total weight of test specimens should be 5.0 ± 0.25 g. If specimens to be tested do not weigh 5.0 g, add multiple specimens to make 5.0 g. Include the Test Control Fabric in the 5.0 g weight. Different colored specimens can be mixed when making up the 5.0 g load.
Working Procedure of Color Fastness to Chlorinated Water:
Put the specimen into the steel containers and added in the sodium hydrochloride solution with liquor ratio 1:100 based on the appropriate concentration of active chlorine used.
Close the container and put it into the mechanical device (Gyrowash) and agitate at 27±2°C for 1 hour in darkness.
Remove the specimen from the container and squeeze it.
Dry the specimen by hanging it in air at room temperature in quiet light.
Compare the contrast between the treated and untreated sample with Grey scales for changing color of dyed sample in a color matching cabinet. Numerical rating for color changing is the shade.
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.