Experiment name:
Prepare a list of trimmings for making a shirt, trouser and jacket.
The materials used in a garment except cloth to make a complete garment are called trims or trimmings. Either we can say, trimmings comprise all materials other than fabric utilized in the garment such as sewing threads, zippers, buttons, elastics, labels, etc. Quality and quantity of trim and labor necessary to apply it on a garment depend on the cost of the garment. Some trimmings can be seen from outside whether some are not. Again some trimmings are used for increasing beauty whether some for only function.
All the other material or components except main fabric which are used in the garments are called trimmings. Besides fabric various additional things are used for making garments. For example: sewing thread, button, Zipper, label etc. There is two types of Trimmings. They are:-
- Visible trimming and
- Invisible trimming.
Visible trimmings can be seen from outside of the garments. For example: button, sewing thread, etc. Invisible trimmings can not be seen from outside of the garments. For example: interlinings. Some trimmings are used for functional purpose. Some trimmings are used for decorative purposes.

- To list out the trimmings names.
- To know different types of trimmings used in shirt, jackets and trousers.
- To know about the purposes of these trimmings.
- To know the uses of these trimmings.
- To know the accurate positioning of these trimmings in the garments.
List of trimmings:
Now the trimming list for shirt, trouser and jacket is given below:
For shirt:
- Button
- Sewing thread
- Interlinning
- Linning
- Label
For trouser:
- Button
- Sewing thread
- Linning
- Zipper
- Label
- Elastic
For jacket:
- Button
- Sewing thread
- Linning
- Zipper
- Care label
- Elastic
- Shoulder pads
Brief description of trimmings:
Buttons are the hardware items used in conjunction with button for the fastening of garments.

1. According to no of holes:
- 2-hole button.
- 4-hole button.
- Special button
- Shank button
- Snap button.
- Decorative button.
2. According to ligne no:
According to ligne no there are various types of buttons. Ligne is the measuring unit of button diameter.
Purposes: The purpose of using buttons are:
- Functional purpose: This refers to buttons which are used to open and close garments with security &
- Decorative purpose: These are the buttons which are used purely for decorative purposes. For example, double breasted garments, sleeve vents etc.
Uses: Button is used in shirts, trousers and jackets.
In making trousers, skirts and jackets chain or zipper is an essential component which is used to open or close the opening of garment.

Purpose of zipper:
- Functional purpose of zipper is as a part of a garment.
- Where zipper is used as a decorative purpose it increases the beauty of garment.
Types of zipper:
- Metal zipper.
- Polyester or nylon coil zipper.
- Plastic-molded zipper.
Uses: In making trousers and jackets, chain or zipper is an essential component which is used to open or close of special parts of garment.
No garments can be sold without some kind of label attached to it. Specially in case of exporting, label on a garment is a must. Label is a attached compound of garment on which important information regarding the garment are written on printed.
There are mainly 3-types of label:
- Main label.
- Size label.
- Care label.
Purpose: The size of garment, trade mark, country of origin, type of fiber etc is written on label.
Uses: Labels are used in shirts, jackets and trousers.
Linings are generally a functional part of a garment. They are used variously to maintain the shape of a garment, to improve the hang and comfort by allowing it to slide over other garment.
Linings are joined to main garment by sewing and for this normal sewing machines are enough. The method of attaching lining to outer garments depends on the garment type and on whether it is fully or partially bagged out.
Purpose: They are used variously to maintain the shape of a garment, to improve the hang and comfort by allowing it to slide over other garment. It is also adds insulation and cover inside the garment of complicated construction to make it neat. Linings are joined to main garment by sewing and for this normal sewing machines are enough.
Uses: Linings are widely used in jackets, pockets, blouses, pocket flaps, etc. Generally cheap fabrics are used as lining material.
A ply of fabric which is used between two ply of fabric to strengthen a definite part of a garment or to give required shape to that part is called interlining. They may be sewn into the garment or they may be attached by fusing.
Purpose: In tailored garments interlinings play a very important part in creating the shape of the garment and smoothing out the contours of the body.
Uses: Interlinings are used to support, reinforced control the shape of some areas of garments such as collars, cuffs, waist bands, hems, facings and the front of coats. They are attached by fusing.
The decorative items which are attached flat to the outside of the garments is called motif
Purpose: Sometimes it may contain company name, trade mark or other symbols but the difference from label is that, it is attached out side to the garments. But label is inside of the garments.
Uses: Motifs are used in shirts, trousers and jackets.
Hook & loop fastening:
It is a special type of trimming which is used instead of zipper and button. This item consists of two woven polyamide tapes one covered with very fine hooks and the other with very fine loops. When pressed together they adhere securely to each other.
Purpose: Instead of button and zipper hook and loop fastening is used.
Uses: It is used in only a limited number of garments like- sports wear, children wear and jackets, etc.
Shoulder pad:
Shoulder pads have long been a standard item in tailored garments both for women and for men.
Purpose: Linings are used on the top and bottom of shoulder pad. As a result the appearance becomes beautiful, comfortable and lasts for long time.
Uses: For functional purpose and sometimes for decorative purpose.
The experiment gives us an idea list about different types of trimmings. I would like to give special thanks to our teacher. I am also grateful to our instructors. I think this experiment will be very helpful in my future life.
You may also like:
- Garment Trimmings – An Overview
- Different Types of Trims Used in Garments
- Interlining in Garments – Complete Know How
- Interlining: Types, Functions, Uses, Advantages & Disadvantages
- Different Types of Buttons Used in Garments
- Button and Buttonhole: Types, Techniques and Machines

Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.