Flow Chart of Jute Manufacturing Process
Md. Abu Sayed
Pabna Textile engineering college, Pabna, Bangladesh
Email: sayed.bphs@gmail.com
Jute is a very important fiber worldwide and after cotton is the most widely used of the natural fibers. Although uses of jute has declined substantially over the last 30 years. Like flax and hemp, it is a bast fiber, being obtained from the stem of the jute plant. Jute has a reasonable strength, though it is weaker than flax or hemp.
Different Types of Jute Yarn:
The composite mills traditionally manufacture the following types jute of yarns-
- Fine yarn of 120-224tex (3.5-6.5lb/spy) to be used for carpets and various non-traditional end products like decorative fabrics.
- CBC yarn of 224-293tex (6.5-8.5lb/spy) for using as carpet backing cloth or very fine cloth.
- Medium coarse yarn of 241-414tex (7-12lb/spy) for:
- Hessian warp 241-310tex (7-9lb/spy)
- Hessian weft 241-414tex (7-12lb/spy)
- Sacking warp 276-345tex (8-10lb/spy)
- Other type of end products like canvas.
- Coarse yarn of 483tex and above(14lb/spy and above) for sacking weft and coarse end-products like matting.
- Piled yarns or twines of different counts.
Jute Manufacturing Process:
Jute manufacturing process depends much upon the type of (final) end-use product to be made but, there are some common features too; in each case, jute is required to be (a) softened and lubricated with oil in water emulsion so that fibers may be processed without excessive breakage and waste and also (b) the meshy nature of the reeds is required to be broken for parallelization of the separated fiber strands as far as possible. The fibers are also commonly drawn evenly into a sliver or loose untwisted parallelized band. The sliver so formed, are then finally drawn out and twisted in a spinning unit to form yarns of a specified linear density.
Flow Chart of Jute Manufacturing Process:
Raw jute
Assortment and Hackling
Batch selection
Softening/ Application of emulsion (Spreader / Softener m/c)
Conditioning or pilling (24-72hrs)
Carding (Normally two stages of carding; Breaking and finisher card, additionally inner card is also used if required.)
Drawing (Usually 3-4 passages but for sacking weft two passages)
Spinning (Flyer or ring spinning)
For conventional products
Twisting (Ring twister)
Plying Warp
Brushing and singeing
Weaving (Broad and narrow loom)
Lapping ↔ Cutting and sewing (for bag manufacturing)
- Hand book on jute-T.C Ranjan
- Jute fiber to yarn- R.R Atkinson
- Jute spinning- Md. Hafiz uddin
- A guide to jute technology-Md. Sadar Uddin
- Handbook of Natural Fibres Volume 2: Processing and Applications, 2nd Edition Edited by Ryszard M. Kozłowski
- The Chemistry of Textile Fibres, 2nd Edition by Robert R. Mather, Roger H. Wardman
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.