Important Factors which Influencing Knitted Fabric Quality

Last Updated on 23/12/2020

Important Factors which Influencing Knitted Fabric Quality

Muhammad Ibrahim Khalilullah
Department of Textile Engineering
Daffodil International University


Knitted fabric:
There are three types of fabric i.e. woven fabric, knitted fabric and nonwoven fabric. Knitted fabric is produced by knitting process. There are two types of knitted fabrics: weft-knitted and warp-knitted. Fashion designers love knit fabric for its comfort, texture, wrinkle resistance, and elasticity. It is easy to sew with the right machine and stitching technique.

knitted fabric quality
Fig: Knitted fabric

Dimensional properties of knitted fabric or factors influencing knitted fabric quality:
The factors on which the quality of knitted fabrics depends on:

  1. Courses per cm
  2. Wales per cm
  3. Stitch density per cm²
  4. Shape factor (Wale spacing : Course spacing)
  5. Stitch density
  6. Tightness factor K = √(tex/l)
  7. Area density
  8. Kc (Constant) = Courses per cm × Stitch length in mm
  9. Kw (Constant) = Wales per cm × Stitch length in mm
  10. Ks (Constant) = Loops per area × Stitch length squared in mm²
  11. Loop shape factor= Kc × Kw

Factors influencing knitted fabric quality:
Fabric quality (knitted fabric) depends on the following factors as stated below:

(a) Yarn variables:
The yarn variables which influence knitted fabrics quality are:

  • Yarn strength
  • Yarn count
  • Yarn type
  • Yarn evenness
  • Yarn twist
  • Yarn extensibility
  • Yarn rigidness
  • Yarn finishing treatment.

(b) Machine variables:
The machine variables which affect knitted fabric quality are:

  • Machine gauge
  • Machine speed
  • Needle gaiting
  • Needle Timing
  • Cam design or cam arrangement
  • Needle arrangement
  • Knitting elements
  • Take down arrangement

(c) Knitting variables:
The knitting variables are:

  • Input tension
  • Positive feed

(d) Fabric variables:
The fabric variables are:

  • Fabric design
  • Fabric structure
  • Fabric end use.

Dependence of fabric properties on fibre and yarn characteristics:

  1. Fiber fineness
  2. Staple length
  3. Cross sectional shape
  4. Specific gravity
  5. Flexural rigidity
  6. Torsional rigidity
  7. Load-extension relationship
  8. Strength
  9. Elastic recovery
  10. Resistance to abrasion
  11. Friction

State of knitted fabric:
Some states of knitted fabrics are mentioned below:

1. Off machine state: This is the state of knitted fabric in which it is obtained just after production from knitting machine.

2. Dry relaxed state: The state of knitted fabric which is obtained after keeping it at 27°c ± 2°c temperature for 24-72 hours.

3. Fully relaxed state: The state of knitted fabric which is obtained after washing it with detergent and then drying and keeping in standard atmosphere.

4. Finished state: The state of knitted fabric which is obtained after dyeing and finishing.

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