Craft Upholstery Curtains: A Product of Home Textiles
Carolyn Clayton
United Kingdom
Curtains can be essential in creating a homey ambiance without sacrificing sophistication. Curtains and draperies add up to the elegant and classy look in many areas of your home. Some people may think investing on good quality curtains can be very expensive. Actually, you can buy simple and plain colored curtains and add trimmings to make them more sophisticated. Choose colors that may compliment the colour of your walls and furniture accent. Otherwise, you can make curtains out of bed sheets or bed covers that you no longer use.
It’s easy to turn your simple curtain into an expensive-looking one with the use of upholstery trimmings, tiebacks and fashion trimmings that are available online. You can benefit from the versatility of trimmings because you can use it to embellish almost everything in your home. As for plain colored curtains, you will specifically need to have trimmings like braids, tassels, a combination of pom pom and balls or pearls and lace, or crystals and beads.

Using craft or fabric glue, attach a braid trimming to the edges of your curtain, both sides and bottom included. After that, sew the ribbon satin part of crystal and beads trimming just below the braid trimming without leaving a space, but make sure to choose both the braid and ribbon satin in exactly the same colour. When you’re done with the curtains, you can pick curtain tiebacks in rope with a combination of crystal and beads accent, and use it to hold your curtain on each side of the window. You would probably need rings on both sides of your window trim, as the ring would hold the rope of your tieback. When you get to see the finished product altogether with its embellishments, you will be amazed at how fashion trimmings and tiebacks can change the simple-looking curtains you once had into an elegant, classy and expensive-looking new craft upholstery curtains.

Another smart way to create and design your own curtains is by stencilling and adding some fashion trimmings. You might not have noticed but stencilled curtains, pillow covers and table runners are quite a fad these days. This is something ideally done for short panel window curtains and shower curtains. You will need some light material scrap fabric, self-stick fabric stencils and fabric glue. To do this, you have to spread the whole fabric on a huge table and stencil your way through. There are self-stick stencils of various designs and some have groups of words that comprise a certain theme. When you’re done stencilling, you need to iron your stencilled fabric. As for the edges of the fabric, you have two options; you can either sew it or apply fabric glue to seal it. You can use the same thing in making rod pockets on it. Last but not the least, you can put on woven braids or knitted braids on the edges of your curtain (braids are best for edging purposes).
If you want to keep it simple, you can stick to the braids or add basic beaded ball or pom pom fringes to it. Otherwise if you’re the type who craves embellishment, then you can choose from a wide array of beaded fringes selection. But, you have to be aware that embellishments like these aren’t suitable for stencils having a themed group of words. This will work best with stencils having a floral design perhaps or something that have uniform patterns. When you are tired of sticking to conventional ideas, do not hinder yourself from exploring innovative ways of beautifying your home with the help of DIY craft and or craft upholstery.
British Trimmings offer a great range of craft supplies online and upholstery trimmings such as curtain tie backs, pom pom fringes, piping cored and much more.
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