Types of Fabric Lay in Spreading

Last Updated on 01/01/2021

Types of Fabric Lay in Spreading

Rahat Khan
Dept. of Apparel Manufacturing
Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology
Cell: +8801717781833
Email: rahat.info@gmail.com


Fabric Lay
Spreading means the smooth laying out of the fabric in superimposed layers of specified length and after spreading the shape of fabric plies is called fabric lay. Various types of fabric lay are used in spreading. During spreading the number of plies should not be more than three hundred.

Types of Fabric Lay:

A. According to construction:

1. Straight lay:
In straight lay each ply of fabric is spread according to marker length, i.e. all plies can have the same length. In that case one marker is used.

Straight fabric lay
Fig: Straight lay of fabric

2. Stepped lay:
Ply of fabric lay is not spread according to marker length, i.e. when the plies are laid up in different lengths- a step can be formed. Different types of marker are essential for different steps. Its use is very much less because of fabric wastage’s and lay making if difficult as well.

Stepped fabric lay
Fig: Stepped lay

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Difference between straight and stepped lay is as follows:

Straight layStepped lay
Each ply is spread according to marker length.Ply of fabric lay is not spread according to marker length.
Mostly usedRarely used
Fabric wastage is less.Fabric wastage is more
Fabric spreading is simple.Fabric spreading is difficult.
One marker is used.Different types of marker are used.

B. According to the direction of spreading

1. One way spreading (Face to underside):
This method is used for open fabrics. The face can lie towards the top or bottom, but always in the same direction. If spreading machines are used, one-way laying-up necessitates idle motion because the machine always begins its run at the same end of the table and must return to this position after every laying operation.

One way spreading
Fig: One way spreading

2. Laying-up in pairs (Face to face):
This method is also used for open piece goods. The face side is always laid onto the previously spread face side so that- as in one way spreading- the machine returns running idle to the working position. The roll of fabric must be turned before the next piece is laid-up. When using spreading machines, these consequently require a device to turn the roll after the fabric has been cut off at the end.

Laying-up in pairs
Fig: Laying-up in pairs

3. Lap (Continuous, Zigzag) lying:
This method was also developed mainly for spreading open piece goods. Contrary to one way spreading and laying-up in pairs, the pieces are not cut off at the lay end but are clamped and then continuously laid in laps. This is the easiest and most popular way of spreading.

Lap (Continuous, Zigzag) lying
Fig: Lap (Continuous, Zigzag) lying

***Two other symbols illustrated the laying up of folded and tubular piece goods.

Folded and tubular piece goods
Fig: Folded and tubular piece goods

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