Ready-made Garments (RMG) Market in Bangladesh

Last Updated on 18/03/2021

Ready-made Garments (RMG) Market in Bangladesh

Dept. of Textile Engineering
Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology


BGMEA (Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers & Exporters Association) is the apex trade body that represents the export oriented woven, knit and sweater garment manufacturers and exporters of the country. Ready-made Garments (RMG) is the leading sector of Bangladesh in terms of employment, production and foreign exchange earning. Ready-made garments (RMG) alone earned about 78.6% of the yearly foreign exchange earning of the country. About 4.0 million people are employed in the garment sector. Economy of Bangladesh depends on ready-made garments (RMG) industry. Bangladesh is the second largest exporter of ready-made garments (RMG) in the world.

BKMEA (Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association) is an apex trade organization consisting of 1758 member factories. This is formed in 1996 to look after the interest of knitwear industry in Bangladesh. It works on productivity improvement, compliance, research and development, training and all national and international policy issues for the sake of knitwear industry.

Different Woven Wears

Different Woven wears
Fig: Different woven wears

Different Knit Wears

Different knit wears
Fig: Different knit wears

Global Knitwear Market

Global Knitwear Market
Fig: Global Knitwear Market

Bangladesh Woven Wear Exports

Bangladesh Woven wear Exports
Fig: Bangladesh Woven Wear Exports

Garments Factory & No. of Workers

Garments Factory & No. of Workers
Fig: Garments Factory & No. of Workers

Bangladesh Apparel Export Coverage

Bangladesh Apparel Export Coverage
Fig: Bangladesh Apparel Export Coverage (Value in Million USD) 

Comparative Statics of Knitwear & Wovenwear

bangladesh's garment export 2020
Fig: Comparative Statics of Knitwear & Wovenwear (Value in Million USD) 

Total Export of Bangladesh & RMG Export

Total export of Bangladesh & RMG export
Fig: Total Export of Bangladesh & RMG Export

Comparison of Export Quantity (Million Dozen)

Comparison of Export Quantity (Million Dozen)
Fig: Comparison of Export Quantity (Million Dozen)

Knitwear and Woven Exports of Bangladesh

Knitwear and Woven Exports of Bangladesh
Fig: Knitwear and Woven Exports of Bangladesh

Export Performance of RMG over Government’s Strategic Export Target for 2011-12

Export Performance of RMG over Government's
Fig: Export Performance of RMG over Government’s

Main Apparel Items Exported from BD (In Mn US$)

Main Apparel Items Exported from BD (In Mn US$)
Fig: Main Apparel Items Exported from BD (In Mn US$)

Major Products Performance

Major Products Performance
Fig: Major Products Performance

Country Wise BD RMG Exports (In Million US$)

Country Wise BD Rmg Exports (In Million US$)


Country Wise BD Rmg Exports (In Million US$)
Fig: Country Wise BD Rmg Exports (In Million US$)

Exports are Highly Concentrated: by Destination

Exports are Highly Concentrated: by Destination
Fig: Exports are Highly Concentrated: by Destination

Growth of Exports and Imports of Bangladesh

Growth of Exports and Imports of Bangladesh
Fig: Growth of Exports and Imports of Bangladesh

Exports are Highly Concentrated: by Commodity

Exports are Highly Concentrated: by Commodity
Fig: Exports are Highly Concentrated: by Commodity

Product Wise Growth in First 8 Months of FY 2010-11 (July –February)

Product Wise Growth in First 8 Months
Fig: Product Wise Growth in First 8 Months

Shares (percentage) of Bangladeshi Knit and Woven Garments in the Total US Garment Import

Share of Bangladeshi Apparel in EU Import
Fig: Share of Bangladeshi Apparel in EU Import

Import of USA from the world and BD (Billion US$)

Import of USA from the world
Fig: Import of USA from the world

Unit Price of Major Export Items of Bangladesh to USA 2010 (US$/dozen)

Unit Price of Major Export Items of Bangladesh to USA 2010
Fig: Unit Price of Major Export Items of Bangladesh to USA 2010

Canadian RMG imports and market shares of major exporters (percent)

Canadian RMG imports and market shares of major exporters
Fig: Canadian RMG imports and market shares of major exporters

Share of Bangladeshi Apparel in EU Import

Share of Bangladeshi Apparel in EU Import
Fig: Share of Bangladeshi Apparel in EU Import

Major competitors’ annual growth of apparel export in EU

Major competitors’ annual growth of apparel export in EU
Fig: Major competitors’ annual growth of apparel export in EU

EU import from the world and BD (Million Euros)

EU import from the world and BD
Fig: EU import from the world and BD

EU import of RMG from the world and from BD (Billion Euros)

EU import of RMG from the world and from BD
Fig: EU import of RMG from the world and from BD

Unit Prices of Major Export Items of BD in EU Market (Euro/Kg)

Unit Prices of Major Export Items of BD in EU Market
Fig: Unit Prices of Major Export Items of BD in EU Market

Major Knitwear Exporters in the world

Major Knitwear Exporters in the world
Fig: Major Knitwear Exporters in the world

Global Importers of Knitwear

Global importers of Knitwear
Fig: Global importers of Knitwear

Cotton imports of Bangladesh (million USD)

Cotton imports of Bangladesh
Fig: Cotton imports of Bangladesh

Few Facts

  1. Total Export in 2010: US$ 19.2 billion
  2. 2010 Annual Growth: 27.3 Percent
  3. 2009 Annual Growth: -1.86 Percent
  4. 90 percent of export to USA is RMG (HS61 & 62)
  5. 96 percent of export to USA contributed by the export of HS 61, 62, 63 & 65 i.e. textile products
  6. 88 percent of export to EU is RMG
  7. 92 percent of Export to EU is HS 61, 62 & 63
  8. RMG export to USA dominated by woven products (75 percent)
  9. RMG export to EU dominated by knitwear (67 percent)
  10. Pattern of RMG export is determined by GSP and rules of origin

Our Strength

Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in Bangladesh

Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in Bangladesh
Fig: Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in Bangladesh

Key Production Factors

Key Production Factors
Fig: Key Production Factors

Investment Incentives

Investment Incentives
Fig: Investment Incentives

This Sector Contributed on:

  • Women Empowerment
  • Reduce Child Labor
  • Gender equality
  • Improved health & Nutrition
  • Reduce Child Marriage
  • Reduce Infant Mortality

Comparative Consumption and Local Supply of Yarn & Fabric

Comparative Consumption and Local Supply of Yarn & Fabric
Fig: Comparative Consumption and Local Supply of Yarn & Fabric

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  2. Ready-Made Garments (RMG): The Leading Earning Sector in Bangladesh
  3. Prospects of Garments Industry in Bangladesh
  4. Safety Measures for Garment Industry According to Buyer Requirements
  5. List of Different Types of Garment Testing Used in RMG Industry
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