Textile is the ancient branch of engineering. Now textile engineering education is becoming more demand-able then before. Because textiles have not only used for wearing but also hugely used in different sectors like as technical textile. Many research works are being done on textile. But doing research anything it needs huge information. Books have no alternative for information. But price of every book is out of range such like us third world country’s people. For fulfillment the demand of information I will give a list of textile books. All books we have collected from our friends and fans who are studying in different famous universities around the world. I think these books will be helpful for students, researchers, businessmen, entrepreneurs as well as all people who are interested to know about textile.
Warning: If you want to get any book from the following list then you must have to publish Article or Assignment or Project work in this blog for promoting purpose. Without these please don’t send email.
Books on Technical Textile/Updated Textile
Woodhead Publishing Series Books:
- Advanced Textiles for Wound Care
- Advances in Fire Retardant Materials
- Advances in Military Textiles and Personal Equipment
- Advances in Textile Biotechnology
- Applications of Nonwovens in Technical Textiles
- Biodegradable and Sustainable Fibres
- Biologically Inspired Textiles
- Biomechanical Engineering of Textiles and Clothing
- Clothing Biosensory Engineering
- Coated and Laminated Textiles
- Composites Forming Technologies
- Design and Manufacture of Textile Composites
- Ecotextiles: The Way Forward for Sustainable Development in Textiles
- Engineering Textiles: Intergrating The Design and Manufacture of Textile Products
- Fibrous and Composite Materials for Civil Engineering Applications
- Fire Toxicity
- Friction in Textile Materials
- Functional Textiles for Improved Performance
- Green composites: Polymer Composites and the Environment
- Handbook of Geosynthetics
- Handbook of Medical Textiles
- Handbook of Nonwovens
- Handbook of Sustainable Textile Production
- Handbook of Technical Textiles
- Handbook of Tensile Properties of Textile and Technical Fibres
- Intelligent Textiles and Clothing
- Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC Protection
- Intelligent Textiles for Personal Protection and Safety
- Interior Textiles: Design and Developments
- Military Textiles
- Modelling and Predicting Textile Behaviour
- Nanofibers and Nanotechnology in Textiles
- Performance of Home Textiles
- Plasma Technologies for Textiles
- Recycling in Textiles
- Recycling Textile and Plastic Waste
- Shape Memory Polymer and Textiles
- Simulation in Textile Technology: Theories and Applications
- Smart Clothes and Wearable Technology
- Smart Fibres, Fabrics and Clothing
- Smart Textile Coatings and Laminates
- Smart Textiles for Medicine and Healthcare: Materials, Systems and Applications
- Soft Computing in Textile Engineering
- Surface Modification of Textiles
- Sustainable Textiles: Life Cycle and Environmental Impact
- Textile Advances in the Automotive Industry
- Textile Processing with Enzymes
- Textile Reference Book of Nonwovens
- Textiles for Cold Weather Apparel
- Textiles for Hygiene and Infection Control
- Textiles for Protection
- Textiles in Automotive Engineering
- Textiles in Sport
- Textiles, Polymers and Composites for Buildings
- Training and Development of Technical Staff in the Textile Industry
- Wearable Electronics and Photonics
- Weaving of 3D Fabrics: A Critical Appreciation of the Developments
Another Publishing Series Books:
- Absorbent Technology
- Adaptive and Functional Polymers, Textiles and Their Applications
- Advances in Construction Materials
- Application of Textiles in Rubber
- Biofunctional Textiles and the Skin
- Coated Textiles: Principles and Applications
- Coated Textiles: Principles and Applications Second Edition
- Coating Substrates and Textiles: A Practical Guide to Coating and Laminating Technologies
- Composite Structures: Theory and Practice
- Engineering Use of Geotextile
- Geotextiles in Transportation Applications
- Health Aspects of Flame Retardants in Textiles
- Introduction to Nanotechnology
- Monomers, Oligomers, Polymers, Composites and Nanocomposites
- Multifunctional Barriers for Flexible Structure: Textile, Leather and Paper
- Nanocomposite Science and Technology
- Survey of Technical Textile
- Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures
Books on Dyeing/Printing/Finishing
Woodhead Publishing Series Books:
- Basic Principles of Textile Coloration
- Chemical Finishing of Textiles
- Colour Design: Theories and Applications
- Colour Measurement: Principles, Advances and Industrial Applications
- Digital Printing of Textiles
- Environmental Aspects of Textile Dyeing
- Environmental Aspects of Textile Dyeing
- Environmental Impact of Textiles
- Fundamentals and Practices in Colouration of Textiles
- Handbook of Textile and Industrial Dyeing, Volume 1: Principles, Processes and Types of Dyes
- Handbook of Textile and Industrial Dyeing, Volume 2: Applications of Dyes
- Handbook of Worsted Wool and Blended Suiting Process
- Recent Advances in Environmentally Compatible Polymers
- Total Colour Management in Textiles
Another Publishing Series Books:
- Batchwise Dyeing of Woven Cellulosic Fabrics: A Practical Guide
- Blends Dyeing
- Cellulosics Dyeing
- Chemical Technology in the Pre-Treatment Processes of Textiles
- Chemistry & Technology of Fabric Preparation & Finishing
- Cleaner Production in Textile Wet Processing
- Color for Textiles: A User’s Handbook
- Colorants and Auxiliaries: Colorants v. 1: Organic Chemistry and Application Properties
- Colorants and Auxiliaries: Colorants v. 2: Organic Chemistry and Application Properties
- Colour Chemistry
- Colour in Dyehouse Effluent
- Dyeing and Chemical Technology of Textile Fibers
- Dyes and Pigments
- Encyclopedia of Textile Finishing
- Functional Dyes
- Handbook of Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Treatment
- Industrial Dyes: Chemistry, Properties, Applications
- Practical Dyeing Volume 1: Dye Selection and Dyehouse Support
- Practical Dyeing Volume 3: Dyeing Equipment and Textile Form
- Reactive Dyes for Textile Fibres
- Reference Books of Finishing
- Singeing fundamentals
- Textile Dyeing and Printing Volume 1
- Textile Dyeing and Printing Volume 2
- Textile Dyes
- Textile Finishing
- Textile Finishing Chemicals: An Industrial Guide
- Textile Printing
- The Chemistry of Dyeing
- The Finishing of Textile Fabrics
- Water Recycling in Textile Wet Processing
- Wool Dyeing
Books on Fiber
Woodhead Publishing Series Books:
- A Comprehensive Study on Jute Fiber
- Advanced Fiber Spinning Technology
- Advances in Wool technology
- Atlas of Fibre Fracture and Damage to Textiles
- Bast and Other Plant Fibres
- Biodegradable and Sustainable Fibres
- Cotton Science and technology
- Fatigue Failure of Textile Fibres
- Handbook of Fibre Rope Technology
- Handbook of Natural Fibres, Volume 2: Processing and Applications
- Handbook of Tensile Properties of Textile and Technical Fibres
- Handbook of Textile Fibre Structure, Volume 1: Fundamentals and Manufactured Polymer Fibres
- Handbook of Textile Fibre Structure, Volume 2: Natural, Regenerated, Inorganic and Specialist Fibres
- Handbook of Textile Fibres, Volume 1: Natural Fibres
- Handbook of Worsted Wool and Blended Suiting Process
- High-Performance Fibres
- Identification of Textile Fibers
- Multifunctional Barriers for Flexible Structure
- New Millennium Fibres
- Physical Properties of Textile Fibres
- Physical Properties of Textile Fibres (4th Edition)
- Polyesters and Polyamides
- Regenerated Cellulose Fibers
- Silk, Mohair, Cashmere and Other Luxury Fibres
- Smart Fibres, Fabrics and Clothing
- Synthetic Fibres: Nylon, Polyester, Acrylic, Polyolefin
- Wool: Science and Technology
- Another Publishing Series Books:
- Dyeing and Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres
- Handbook of Fiber Chemistry
- Industrial Applications of Natural Fibres: Structure, Properties and Technical Applications
- Manufactured Fibre Technology
- Manufactured Fibre Technology
- Natural Fibers, Biopolymers and Biocomposites
- Polymeric & Inorganic Fibers: Advances in Polymer Science
- Reference Book for Manmade Fibers
- Surface Characteristics of Fibers and Textiles
Books on Spinning
Woodhead Publishing Series Books:
- A Practical Guide to Quality Management in Spinning
- Advanced Fiber Spinning Technology
- Advances in Yarn Spinning Technology
- False Twist Textured Yarns: Principles, Processes and Applications
- Fancy Yarns: Their Manufacture and Application
- Handbook of Yarn Production: Technology, Science and Economics
- High Speed Spinning of Polyester and its Blends with Viscose
- Specialist Yarn and Fabric Structures: Development and Applications
- Technical Textile Yarns
- Yarn Texturing Technology
- Another Publishing Series Books:
- Cotton Spinning Calculations and Yarn Costs
- Fundamentals of Spun Yarn Technology
- Reference Books for Spinning
- Textile Calculation
- The Technology of Short-staple Spinning
- Yarn Counts and Calculations
Books on Fabric/Design/Weaving/Knitting
Woodhead Publishing Series Books:
- Advances in Carpet Manufacture
- Advances in Knitting Technology
- Effect of Mechanical and Physical Properties on Fabric Hand
- Fundamentals and Advances in Knitting Technology
- Fundamentals of Designing for Textiles and Other End Uses
- Knitting Technology: A Comprehensive Handbook and Practical Guide
- Sizing in Clothing
- Smart Fibres, Fabrics and Clothing
- Structure and Mechanics of Woven Fabrics
- Textile Design: Principles, Advances and Applications
- Woven Textile Structure: Theory and Applications
- Another Publishing Series Books:
- A Handbook of Weaves
- Fabric Structure and Design
- First Book of Modern Lace Knitting
- Handbook of Textile Design
- Handbook of Weaving
- Mastering Weave Structures : Transforming Ideas into Great Cloth
- Nonwoven Fabrics
- Nonwoven Technology
- Reference Books for Knitting
- Reference Books of Weaving
- Textile Sizing
- The Fundamentals of Printed Textile Design
- Theory of Silk Weaving
Books on Garments/Merchandising/Industrial Engineering/Fashion
Woodhead Publishing Series Books:
- Advances in Apparel Production
- Clothing Appearance and Fit: Science and Technology
- Computer Technology for Textiles and Apparel
- Engineering Apparel Fabrics and Garments
- Humidification and Ventilation Management in Textile Industry
- Improving Comfort in Clothing
- Industrial Cutting of Textile Materials
- Industrial Engineering in Apparel Production
- Luxury Fashion Branding: Trends, Tactics, Techniques
- Management of Technology Systems in Garment Industry
- New Product Development in Textiles
- Pattern Cutting for Clothing Using CAD
- Prospects of Denim in Bangladesh
- Quality Characterization of Apparel
- Science in Clothing Comfort
- Sizing in Clothing
- Smart Clothes and Wearable Technology
- Smart Fibres, Fabrics and Clothing
- Soft Computing in Textile Engineering
- Statistics for Textile and Apparel Management
- Strategic Management in the Garment Industry
- The Global Textile and Clothing Industry
- Another Publishing Series Books:
- Basics Fashion Design 01: Sourcing Ideas
- Basics Fashion Design 02: Textiles and Fashion
- Basics Fashion Design 03: Construction
- Beginning Garment Making
- Career in Textile and Fashion Designing
- Couture Culture A Study in Modern Art and Fashion
- Embroidering Identities: A Century of Palestinian Clothing
- Encyclopedia of Clothing and Fashion
- ERP Tools, Techniques, and Applications for Integrating the Supply Chain
- Fashion Accessories
- Fashion Illustrator
- Fashion Marketing
- Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear Through the Ages
- Fashionable Technology
- Fashioning History
- Geometric Symmetry in Patterns and Tilings
- Hand Book of Industrial Engineering
- Introduction to Work Study
- Lean Manufacturing
- Lean Performance ERP Project Management
- Materials in Sports Equipment, Volume 1
- Sewing Machine Classroom
- Survey of Historic Costume
- Technology of Clothing Manufacture
- The Apparel Industry
- The Face of Fashion Cultural Studies of Fashion
- The Sewing Book
- Understanding Textile for a Merchandiser
- Yarn and Cloth Making
Books on Textile Testing
- A Practical Guide to Quality Management in Spinning
- Chemical Testing of Textiles
- Effective Implementation of Quality Management Systems
- Fabric Testing
- Identification of Textile Fibers
- Managing Quality in the Apparel Industry
- Physical Testing of Textiles
- Total Quality Management
Books on Textile Chemistry
- Advances in Polymer Science
- Chemical Technology in the Pre-Treatment Processes of Textiles
- Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres
- Chemistry and Technology of Fabric Preparation and Finishing
- Chemistry of the Textile Industry
- Colour Chemistry
- Handbook of Fiber Chemistry
- Shape Memory Polymer and Textiles
- Textile and Paper Chemistry and Technology
- The Chemistry of Dyeing
Other Books
- Advance in Textile Engineering
- Basic Textile Technology
- C Programme
- Complete Textile Glossary
- Consumer Driven Innovation in Food and Personal Care Products
- Marketing Management, Millennium Edition
- Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
- Textile Engineering
- Textile Industry
- Textiles Industry
- Textiles Technology
- The Italian Textile Machinery Industry
Without of these textile books we have also many latest books and huge collection of research papers, reports, presentations, assignments, project works. All textile books only for textile learners.
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.
I am Textile chemist.I am technical consultant to ….The knitwear and Textile club , Ludhiana Punjab India.I will provide them the necessary informations needed to grow their business.For this I needs to update my knowledge.As such your cooperation for providing me needful litrature is requested.Thanks.
Please send email at textilelearners@gmail.com
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1. Advances in Knitting Technology
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