Duties and Responsibilities of Quality Manager in Garment Factory
Noor Ahmed Raaz
Faculty Member, Dept. of Textile Engineering,
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology
Email: raju.uttara105@gmail.com
Quality Manager in Garment Factory:
The quality control manager in the garment factory is a person who manages quality control and assurance. The quality manager is a very important official in a garment factory. A quality control department is planned and controlled by a quality manager. Customer satisfaction, reputation of the company, to a large extent, depends upon him. Quality manager job description is given below:

Duties and Responsibilities of Quality Manager in Garment Factory
1. Quality manager has to maintain a right Quality Management System to ensure quality of product;
2. He will ensure that the QMS is in place & working as envisaged;
3. He will ensure that the existing QMS satisfies the buyer;
4. He will look for ways of improving existing QMS so as to exceed expectations of the customer;
5. He will ensure that buyer’s specifications are properly understood;
6. If there is any ambiguity/ confusion, he will confirm buyer’s actual Specifications;
7. He will ensure that AQL of the company is properly maintained & exceeded.
8. He will ensure that all incoming, in-process & final goods are properly inspected & documented.
9. He will ensure that all goods coming in the store are rigorously inspected for quality & quantity;
10. He will ensure that Traffic Light Chart system of in-line inspection system is installed & working;
11. He will install both preventive & remedial measures against occurrence of any defect;
12. He is responsible for failure of quality passed garment;
13. He will ensure that all of his personnel are trained on their topics;
14. He will ensure continuous training of personal to enhance their skill;
15. He will ensure rigorous control of rejects;
16. He will ensure rigorous control of repairable & washable garments;
17. He will plan for year-wise improvement of quality;
18. He will prepare a quality manual for the company so that company’s quality policy & procedures are known to all and implemented at all levels;
19. He will ensure that quality manual includes all policy, procedures, methods & measures so as to unify actions;
20. He will monitor performance of suppliers of raw-materials;
21. He will have his personnel motivated.
22. He will ensure that supplier-customer chain in maintained in the production process;
23. He will ensure that production commences only when worksheet approved sample & swatch card are at hand.
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