PROTRACKER is the first Bangladeshi real time & automated production tracking software (with following modules- Order Tracking, Cutting droplets, Print droplets, Input droplets, Sewing droplets, Washing droplets, Finishing droplets, IE droplets, MIS reports, System Settings) for apparel industry. A professional & skilled team of Skylark Soft Limited developed this software and brought to worldwide market.

PROTRACKER is fully customizable real-time production tracking software for apparel industry that manages the entire production process from managing order details to production, products shipping to invoicing which can be completely integrated with any other management software. With this software not only ‘bundle card’ but also section to section invoices, also input information can be executed. In addition, all the activities of the factory are shown all the time on a large monitor. This allows the garment industry to realize at any time whether the desired product is being produced. In a word it is a real time garments production tracking system.
The Journey of PROTRACKER:
The biggest problem in the garments sector is not getting the desired production at the end of the day due manual production system. It is very important to monitor production every moment of every day. Most of the RMG factories in our country do not monitor or track production round. After observing this mismanagement in the garment industry, B.M. Sharif (Graduate, Dept. of Computer Science & Technology, RU) wondered how it is possible to overcome this problem. The product of this thinking is the country’s first & only software PROTRACKER developed by Skylark Soft Limited for the garment industry.
Skylark Soft Limited started its journey in 2012 with only 4 people but now we have 70 members. Said BM Sharif, CEO and MD of the company. After providing services in the country’s apparel industry for a long time with Skylark’s PROTRACKER & our other software, we launched as a Europe-Bangladesh Joint Venture Company in 2020 with the aim of spreading our services across the country and globe.
Why PROTRACKER software should be used in Apparel Industry?
Due to high wages, China’s single largest contribution to the world market will drop from 39% to 20% this year (2021). If Bangladesh adopts an integrated plan & timely automation, it will be able to easily conquer China’s lost 9% market. In this case along with other modern & automated machines, Bangladeshi software PROTRACKER will plan an important role.
The benefits are-
- Increase the efficiency & productivity (around 15%) of a factory.
- If the PROTRACKER software is implemented in the garments of a 30 production line, the factory will be able to save 40 Lacs Taka per month.
- Save production time & cost.
- No manual entry and also reduce manpower.
- Achieving the desired production target.
- Possible to shown the activities of a factory all the time on a large monitor.
- Possible to monitor or track from cutting to finishing section in a garments industry.
According to the information of Sharif’s Company, since 2017, PROTRACKER has been successfully operating in 60 garment industries like IRIS Fabrics Ltd., Desi Garments-Mandal group, GMS Composite Knitting Industries Ltd., also foreign company.
Skylark Soft Limited has developed several other software for the garments, Knitting and Dyeing sectors in addition to PROTRACKER, such as – goRMG ERP, KNITRACKER, CUTRACKER, PROKNIT, goRMG LAB etc.
goRMG Software:Foreign ERP prices are much higher for the garments industries. Many companies can’t use it even if they want to. Again, the foreign ERP is not made according to the needs of our country. There are also a lot of problems with customization at work. With this thinking, Sharif’s company Skylark Soft Limited has developed an integrated management software for the garment industry called goRMG. goRMG ERP is an ultimate ERP solution for Textile & RMG industries which is integrated with different modules(Marketing, Merchandising, Sampling, Production, Approval, Inventory, Planning, IE, TNA, Sub contract) that cover all the perspectives of your garments business.
- KNITRACKER: Barcode enabled fabric roll tracking system for knitting & dyeing.
- CUTRACKER: Barcode enabled bundle card systems for garments.
- PROKNIT: PROKNIT tracking from knitting and garments finishing. It is an integrated module of Cutracker, Knitracker & Protracker.
- goRMG_Lab: A laboratory management system for apparel industry.
Challenges and Opportunities:
Owners are still reluctant to invest in technology at the existing 5000 factories in our country, given the way other countries in the world have used software automation in the garment sector. They think it is better to buy machinery without buying software with 5 million Taka. We have to change this mentality, only then will be able to be number one garment sector in the world. The young software developer thinks that the huge share of Bangladesh’s export earnings should come from the sector, which is where talented people should come forward to solve technical problems. Bangladesh will go further in the world market if it can adopt an integrated plan by making maximum use of automation & technology. Otherwise, the huge opportunity of the garment sector will be lost to the competing countries like India, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia. So, giving opportunities to local innovators will help them to be more competitive in the global market by increasing the efficiency of the RMG industry as well as reducing the cost of production.
Author of this Article:
Md. Imran Hossain
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering
Shahid Abdur Rab Serniabat Textile Engineering College, Barisal.
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.