Dyeing of Cotton Knit Goods without Bleaching Operation

Last Updated on 24/03/2021

Scope of Dyeing Cotton Knit Goods without Bleaching Operation for Energy Saving and Cost Reduction

Md. Palash Hossain
Department of Textile Engineering
Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET)
Email: palashsakal@yahoo.com


Several samples of single jersey cotton knit goods of 180 GSM were dyeing through conventional and selective process (pretreated without bleaching). Both types of samples were judged after dyeing with specific shade of single and tri-chromatic. Spectrophotometer (Data Color 650) CMC result passed for specific shade region for three primary colors red (0.5%), blue (0.5%) and yellow (0.1%). In case of tri-chromatic shade it was found that 0.5% shade also possible without bleaching operation. In addition, characterization of the bleached and unbleached dyed samples was done through investigation of different fastness properties. The unavoidable cost analysis revealed the appreciable outcomes of the work.

Key words: Bleaching, cotton knit fabric, light shade, shade matching, color fastness, energy saving, cost effective

Energy is one of the most important ingredients in any industrial activity [1]. However, its availability is not infinite. Global energy crisis, as well as high cost of fuels resulted in more activities to conserve energy to maximum extent. The textile industry retains a record of the lowest efficiency in energy utilization and is one of the major energy consuming industries. About 34% of energy is consumed in spinning, 23% in weaving, 38% in chemical wet processing and another 5% for miscellaneous purposes. Power dominates consumption pattern in spinning and weaving, while thermal energy is major for chemical wet processing.

Textile industries are consuming large quantity of water, which is expensive to buy, treat, and dispose. Major portion of water is used for wet processing of textile (60 to 70 %). Keeping this in mind there is acute need of energy and water conservation programmed to implement as earlier as possible.

Knit dyeing process is one of the most crucial and dominating sectors in Bangladesh, as Bangladesh earns around 40% of its foreign currency by this sector [2]. So, steps should be taken to make this sector stronger by reducing processing time, production cost and by saving environment. Process time is a very important factor for a dyer, because a dyer delivers his product within lead time that is given by the buyers. To deliver product, dyer must reduce his dying time. In this competitive world reduction of processing cost in also a major factor because higher production cost leads lower demand of the product. Hence it is very challenging task for the dyer. Moreover, it is of utmost necessity to keep our environment free from pollution of different chemicals used in dyeing factories. So, to save environment a dyer should use the least chemicals that are most essential for performing dyeing. In order to perform the cotton, knit dyeing process efficient, reduction of process time and reduction of chemicals in the preparatory stage play a significant role. However, without using peroxide in the preparatory process, it could be possible to obtain desired shade after dyeing. But actually, up to the scope of searching through internet or books, no relevant research works were found in a justified way.

To run with the processing heads, focusing on scouring, bleaching and so on can be initiated here.

Natural fibers (cotton) are yellowish or off-white in color due to color bodies present in the fiber and contain oils, fats, waxes, minerals, leafy matter and motes as impurities that interfere with dyeing and finishing. The process of destruction of yellowish or off-white color bodies is called Bleaching and the process of removing of impurities and make good absorbency is called Scouring.

1.1 Objectives with rationales

  1. The cost of a process includes the amount of process time, no. of processing stage and amount of chemicals. Henceforth reduction of process time, chemicals reduce the cost.
  2. Another focus lies with reduction of processing time this also depends on how many processing stages are occupied. Since in this experiment bleaching is not conducted, it saves a lot of time which is economical.
  3. Since wastewater is hazardous for environment, in this process as bleaching is not done. So extra chemicals do not add on as effluent.
  4. If process stages are increase more than require amount of energy will also be more. In the bleaching process need huge amount energy to operate the machine. Here bleaching operation is totally ignored. So, it saves sufficient amount of energy. That makes the process easier, safe and cost effective.


2.1 Materials

2.1.1 Raw materials

Table 1: Information of used cotton fiber

OriginCIS (Uzbekistan)
Staple Length11/8″

Table 2: Fabric specification

Fabric typeSingle jersey
Type of cotton100% cotton combed yarn
Yarn count26S
GSM (Gram/Square Meter)180

2.1.2 Dyes and chemicals:

Table 3: Name of used dyes

Name of dyesTrade nameCountry
Reactive dyeNovacron Red FN-2BLSwitzerland
Novacron Yellow FN-2R
Novacron Blue FN-R

Table 4: Name of used chemicals

Name of chemicalsName of the company
Wetting agentDysin
Sequestering agentDysin
Antifoaming agentDysin
Caustic soda (NaOH)Dysin
Hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)Dysin
Peroxide killerDysin
Acetic acidDysin
Leveling agentDysin
Gluber saltDysin
Soda ash (Na2CO3)Dysin
Anhydrous sodium carbonateJames H.Heal
ISO Standard soapJames H.Heal
L-Histidine hydrochioride monohydrateJames H.Heal
Sodium chloride (NaCl)James H.Heal
Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrateJames H.Heal

2.1.3 Machineries

Table 5: Specification of used machineries

Name of MachineModelBrandOrigin
Infra-Red lab dyeing machineSupermatSandolabTAIWAN
Washing and dry-cleaning color fastness tester415/8James H. HealUK
Crock master color fastness to rubbing tester670 hand driven crock masterJames H. HealUK
SpectrophotometerModel-600Data colorUSA
Light boxCAC-60VerivideUK
Combined laboratory oven dryerHX30James H. HealUK

2.2 Methods:
Method followed: Exhaust Method


A. Pretreatment:

Table 6: Recipe for pretreatment

With BleachingWithout Bleaching
Name of chemicalsQuantity (g/l)Name of chemicalsQuantity (g/l)
Wetting agent1.5Wetting agent1.5
Sequestering agent1.5Sequestering agent1.5
Caustic soda (NaOH)5Caustic soda (NaOH)5
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)5
Peroxide killer0.05
M: L1:10M: L1:10

Sequence followed in scouring & bleaching:

Sequence followed in scouring & bleaching
Figure-1: Scouring and bleaching procedure scheme in IR lab dyeing machine

Sequence followed in scouring without bleaching:

Sequence followed in scouring without bleaching
Figure-2: Scouring without bleaching procedure scheme in IR lab dyeing machine

Working procedure:
All the chemicals were taken according to recipe. 10% stock solution of caustic soda was prepared. Then the samples were given in scouring bath. The program was set for 40 min at 1050c. After unloading of the samples normal wash were done for 5 minutes. Then peroxide killer was used in conventional way for removing H2O2 from the fabric at 800c for 15-20 min. After that acid wash was done for the both samples for 10 min. Then hot wash was performed with detergent for 10 min at 800c. Finally, cold wash was done.

Infra Red lab dyeing machine
Figure-3: Infra-Red lab dyeing machine

B. Dyeing:

Table 7: Recipe for lab dyeing (0.5% shade)

With peroxide treated fabricWithout peroxide treated fabric
Name of chemicalsAmount(g/l)Name of chemicalsAmount(g/l)
Leveling agent1.5Leveling agent1.5
Wetting agent1.5Wetting agent1.5
G. Salt25G. Salt25
Soda ash8Soda ash8

Working procedure:

Stock solution preparation: During the lab dip, little amount of dyes and other chemicals were required. 1 gm of dye has been taken in 100 ml of warm water and was made as 1% stock solution of dye. Similarly, 20% of Na2CO3 (Sodium carbonate) and 20% of Gluber salt solution have been prepared. The formulae below were exercised to get the accurate amount of dyes and chemicals.

Stock solution preparation

Sample preparation: The pretreated fabric had been cut and made sample of 5 gm by electronic balance. The sample size was required as rectangular to assess rubbing fastness test. Then all the samples were soaked in distilled water for few minutes and squeezed well which then got ready for dyeing.

Dyeing: All the auxiliaries, salt and dyes were placed in dye bath from stock solution and water was taken to maintain 1:10 liquor ratio. Then fabric was added in dye bath at room temperature and run for 5 minutes. Temperature was gradually increased (20/min) up to 60oC. At this temperature the system was run for 15 min and soda dosing was performed for 45 min. After Completing dyeing the dye liquor was drained out.

After treatment: Normal wash was done. Then hot wash was performed at 80oC with detergent for 10 min. Finally, cold wash has been done for 5 min followed by drying at 100oc for 20 min.

Sequence followed in laboratory dyeing:

Sequence followed in laboratory dyeing
Figure- 4: Dyeing procedure scheme in IR lab dyeing machine


Specification of used machineries:

  • Machine name-MCS
  • Origin-Italy
  • Machine capacity-1500 kg
  • Maximum capacity for single jersey-1000 kg
  • Maximum Temperature 13000c
  • Maximum water capacity-11200 liter
  • No. of nozzle-06

A. Pretreatment:
Recipe for 1000 kg knitted (S/J) Fabric:

Table 8: Recipe of pretreatment process for bulk production

Conventional ProcessProposed Process
Name of chemicalsBrand nameg/lTotal (kg)Name of chemicalsBrand nameg/lTotal (kg)
Sequestering agentInvalex-CS0.21.2Sequestering agentInvalex-CS0.21.2
Anticreasing agentRucolin-JES1.06Caustic soda318
StabilizerResotex WO0.31.8A. acidRuco Acid.754.5
Caustic soda318EnzymeCellzyme -90L1.06
Peroxide killerEcalzyme HK-200.050.3
A.acidRuco Acid0.754.5
EnzymeCellzyme -90L1.06

Working procedure:

Conventional processProposed process
Fabric loading20 minFabric loading20 min
Addition (detergent + seq. agent + anti-creasing + stabilizer)500c5minAdd (detergent + seq. agent)500c3 min
Caustic dosing500c5 minCaustic dosing500c5 min
Rising temperature and addition H2O2700c10 minRising temperature800c15 min
Rising temperature980c15 minRun time30 min
Run time60 minDrain out + fill5 min
Cooling800c10 minHot wash800c10 min
Drain out + fill5minDrain out + fill5 min
Hot wash800c10 minNeutralization600c15 min
Drain out + fill5 minEnzymes wash550c60 min
Peroxide killer900c10 minDrain out + fill5 min
Drain out + fill5 minWashing10 min
Neutralization600c15 minDrain out + fill5 min
Enzymes wash550c60 min
Drain out + fill5 min
Washing10 min
Drain out + fill5 min
Total time255 minTotal time188 min

B. Dyeing:

Table 9: Recipe for dyeing and after treatment

Conventional processProposed process
Name of dyes & chemicalsBrand nameg/lName of dyes & chemicalsBrand nameg/l
Leveling agentDekoven-LVR1Leveling agentDekoven-LVR0.5
Anticr. agentRucolin-JES1Anticr . agentRucolin-JES2
A.acidRuco Acid1A.acidRuco Acid1
G.salt30A.acidRuco Acid0.75
YellowPolafix Yellow 3RS1.0%YellowPolafix Yellow 3RS1.0%
RedPolafix Red 3BS0.3%RedPolafix Red 3BS0.3%
BlackPolafix Black B0.7%BlackPolafix Black B0.72%
Soaping agentAlbatex-AD0.5Soaping agentAlbatex-AD0.5
Fixing agentNeofix-R2500.5Fixing agentNeofix-R2500.5

Working procedure:
Sequence followed in dying:

Conventional ProcessProposed process
StepsTempTime (min)StepsTempTime (min)
Add leveling500CAdd leveling500C
Salt dosing500C10Salt dosing500C10
Color dosing500C15Color dosing500C15
Run time10Run time10
Soda ash dosing500C20Soda ash dosing500C20
Drain out + fill5Drain out + fill5
Total time120 minTotal time120 min

Sequence followed in after treatment:

Conventional processProposed process
Normal wash10Normal wash10
Drain out + fill5Drain out + fill5
Hot wash(soaping)800c10Hot wash(soaping)800c10
Drain out + fill5Drain out + fill5
Normal wash10Normal wash10
Drain out + fill5Drain out + fill5
Drain out + fill5Drain out + fill5
Drain out + fill5Drain out + fill5
Drain out + fill5Drain out + fill5
Total time110Total time110


  1. Color fastness to wash
    Method followed: ISO 105 C03
  2. Color fastness to rubbing /crocking
    Method followed: EN ISO 105×12
  3. Color fastness to perspiration:
    Method followed: ISO105E02 h


3.1 Color Measurement Committee (CMC) pass/fail values:

Table 10: CMC pass/fail values for different shade %

Shade %CMC DEDLDaDbComments






Combination 1 (R=0.50, Y=0.01, B=0.01)0.520.51-0.67-0.740.46Pass
Combination 2 (R=0.2, Y=0.2, B=0.1)0.50.42-0.74-0.22-0.20Pass

The above result shows that dyeing without bleaching is possible upto 0.5% red, 0.5% blue and 0.1% yellow shades and also for specific combination shades (0.5%)

3.2 Images of dyed fabric:

Images of dyed fabricImages of dyed fabric

3.3 Results of color fastness to wash test:
a. Results for Red shade: 

Comparison of color fastness to wash
Figure-5: – Comparison of color fastness to wash of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for red color 0.5%

With the help of this graph, it can be concluded that both the results are about same for all fibers except wool fiber. In case of wool, the wash fastness ratings with peroxide treatment is 4, generally defined as good but without peroxide treatment the value is greater than 4 but less than 5 which represents better than good.

b. Result for Blue shade:

olor fastness to wash result for Blue shade
Figure-6: – Comparison of color fastness to wash of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for blue color 0.5%

From the graph, it can be stated that both results almost same for all fibers except wool fiber. In case of wool, the wash fastness ratings without peroxide treatment is 4, generally defined as good but with peroxide treatment the value is greater than 4 but less than 5 which represent better than good.

c. Result for Yellow shade:

Color fastness to wash result for Yellow shade
Figure-7: Comparison of color fastness to wash of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for yellow color 0.1%

The graph shows that with bleaching and without bleaching both of the test results are same for all fibers.

d. Result for Combined shade:

Result for Combined shade
Figure-8: Comparison of color fastness to wash of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for combination color 0.5%

From the graph, it can be stated that both the results are almost same for all fibers except polyamide fiber. In case of polyamide, the wash fastness ratings without peroxide treatment is 4, generally defined as good but with peroxide treatment the value is greater than 4 but less than 5 which represent better than good.

3.4 Color fastness to rubbing:
a. Result for Red shade:

Color fastness to rubbing reault for red shade
Figure-9: Comparison of color fastness to rubbing of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for red color 0.5%

The above graph is shows that dry rubbing fastness test ratings are same for both process but wet rating fastness test ratings are fair to good for without peroxide treatment whereas with peroxide process test rating is good.

b. Result for Blue shade:

color fastness to rubbing result for Blue shade
Figure-10: Comparison of color fastness to rubbing of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for blue color 0.5%

The above graph shows that dry and wet rubbing fastness test ratings are same for both treated fabrics.

c. Result for Yellow shade:

Result for Yellow shade
Figure-11: Comparison of color fastness to rubbing of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for yellow color 0.1%

From the graph, it can be stated that dry and wet rubbing fastness test ratings are same for both the treated fabrics.

d. Result for Combined shade:

Color fastness to rubbing result for Combined shade
Figure-12: Comparison of color fastness to rubbing of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for combination color 0.5%

The above graph shows that dry and wet rubbing fastness test ratings are same for both the treated fabrics.

3.5 Color fastness to perspiration:
a. Result for Red shade:

Color fastness to perspiration for red shade
Figure-13: Comparison of color fastness to perspiration results of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for red color 0.5%

From the graph it can be stated that with bleaching and without bleaching both the perspiration test result is fair for cotton and good for acetate, polyamide, polyester, acrylic and wool.

b. Result for Blue shade:

Color fastness to perspiration for blue shade
Figure-14: Comparison of color fastness to perspiration of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for blue color 0.5%

From the graph it can be stated that with bleaching and without bleaching both the perspiration test result is good for all fibers.

c. Result for Yellow shade:

Comparison of color fastness to perspiration for yellow shade
Figure-15: Comparison of color fastness to perspiration of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for yellow color 0.1%

From the graph it can be stated that with bleaching and without bleaching both the perspiration test result is good for all fiber.

d. Result of Combined shade:

Color fastness to perspiration for combined shade
Figure-16: Comparison of color fastness to perspiration of peroxide and without peroxide treated fabrics for combination color 0.5%

Above figure shows that with bleaching and without bleaching both perspiration test results are fair for cotton and good for acetate, polyamide, polyester, acrylic and wool.


4.1 Graphical representation of chemicals distribution:

Chemicals distribution of pretreatment process with bleaching
Figure-17: Chemicals distribution of pretreatment process with bleaching
Chemical distribution of pretreatment process without bleaching
Figure-18: Chemical distribution of pretreatment process without bleaching

Graph shows that with bleaching process needs 9 types of chemicals and without bleaching process needs only 5 types of chemicals. So, process without bleaching saves extra 4 chemicals.

4.2 Cost of chemicals (Source: Purchasing department of PPC)

Table 11: Cost in chemicals saves without bleaching process

Chemicals nameAmountPrice/kgCost
Anti-creasing agent6 kg56Tk336Tk
Stabilizer1.8 kg175Tk315Tk
Hydrogen per oxide18 kg19Tk342Tk
Peroxide killer0.3 kg336Tk100Tk
Total saves1093Tk

From the table it is clear that process without Bleaching saves 1093Tk/1000kg (approx.) fabrics.

4.3 Graphical representation of amount of time

Comparison of amount of time required for with bleaching and without bleaching pretreatment process.
Figure-19: Comparison of amount of time required for with bleaching and without bleaching pretreatment process.

The graph showed that process with bleaching needs 255 min and process without bleaching needs 188 min. So, process without bleaching saves 67 min. As a result, process without bleaching provides following benefits:

  1. Production will be increase
  2. Labor cost will be decrease
  3. Product can be delivers to the buyer within certain time. So, buyer will satisfy to the company’s authority.
  4. Save machine running cost. i.e. electricity, gas, and power cost.

4.4 Energy cost calculation for MCS dyeing machine [3]

1kw hour = 1 unit of electricity

1-unit cost = 5.5Tk (Approximately)

Dyeing machine is 60 KW capacity

So it consumes 60×1=60 unit per hour

Cost =60×5.5 =330Tk/hr

Since process without bleaching save 67 minutes, so it saves 67×5.5=368.5Tk (approx.) energy cost.

4.5 Graphical representation of required water for pretreatment process

Graphical representation of required water for pretreatment process
Figure-20: Comparison required amount of water between bleaching and without bleaching pretreatment process.

From the graph it can be stated that in conventional pretreatment process 30000lt water is required; whereas without bleaching pretreatment process required 24000lt. So proposed process saves extra 6000lt of water.

4.6 Required cost for extra water [4]

a. Cost in WTP:

Table 12: Cost for water treatment plant

Dip cost1.04Tk/1000Lt (10 years)
Power cost
–Under ground
Man power0.305Tk/1000lt
Total WTP cost5.415Tk/1000lt

So, for 6000 lt of water process without bleaching saves 6×5.415 = 32.49Tk(approx.)

b. Cost in ETP:

Table 13: Cost for effluent treatment plant

Power cost2.54Tk/1000lt
Chemical cost9.42Tk/1000lt
Installing cost6.39Tk/1000lt (10 years)
Man power cost0.305Tk/1000lt
Total ETP cost18.66Tk/1000lt

So, for 6000Lt of water process without bleaching saves 6×18.66 = 111.96Tk (approx.)

Total cost for 6000lt water=32.49+111.96=143.97Tk
= 144Tk (approx.)

4.7 Total saving in cost

Table 14: Total saving in cost

Chemical cost1093Tk
Water cost144Tk
Energy cost368.5Tk
Total cost1605.5/1000kg

So proposed process saves 1605.5Tk/1000kg (approx.) and 67 min duration.

Detailed experimental data were manipulated through the research work. As the elimination of bleaching results the grayness retaining in cotton fabric. So CMC pass/fail comparison with conventionally treated fabric were investigated. Consequently, color fastness to wash, rubbing and perspiration have been tested. During this experiment dyeing of cotton knit goods is performed for shade percentages of 2, 1.75, 1.5, 1.25, 1.00, 0,75, 0.50, 0.25, 0.10 with bleaching and without bleaching for Red, Yellow, Blue and combination sheds. For Red, Blue and combination color up to 0.5% shade has been passed in data color result but below 0.5% the result in data color did not pass. It was passed up to 0.1% shade in case of yellow color. Besides, samples passed in data color results have been shown good color fastness (washing, rubbing and perspiration) values. Some bulk dyeing has been performed in factory after successful completion of laboratory trials. Experiments were done on two different combination shades % i.e. 2% and 2.5% and the results have been derived successfully. It can be concluded that dyeing with red (0.5%), blue (0.5%) and yellow (0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%) colors, excluding bleaching process passed at data color 650 (CMC pass/fail) with conventional (including bleaching) dyeing process. In case of specific combination shade, it was found that 0.5% shade is possible without bleaching operation. Cost analysis displays that 1605Tk (approx.) was saved per 1000 kg fabric dyeing through the proposed way.

5.1 Limitations:

  • Due to insufficient laboratory facilities all testing parameters could not be performed.
  • Due to Limitations in factory accessibility and financial support, it was not possible to follow all laboratory trials in bulk production below 2% shades.

5.2 Future scopes:
Wet processing is responsible for wasting lots of water and energy, now the time came to increase performance of existing utility and to save more to reduce the production cost to stay in a tremendous competitive market. There are lots of scopes to work on the same topic to find out the more acceptable zone in combined shade area to avoid the bleaching process; hence benefit will come on two ways, one is saving environment and another is reduction of production cost. From this experiment we can forecast that dyeing can be performed in bulk production below 2% of single shade. Another research can be made by implementing this research result on different kinds of fabrics.

6. References

  1. http://www.fibre2fashion.com/industry-article/4/316/cost-effectiveness-in-textile-processing1.asp
  2. Hasan, Md. Rakibul, “Scopes of Improvisation in Knit-Dyeing process of Cotton in Bangladesh to optimize the process-time”, Bangladesh Textile Today, March-April 2010.
  3. Interview from Mr. Sehk Asadullah Tareq, Head of the department of Maintenance. Padma Poly Cotton & Knit Fabrics Ltd.
  4. Interview from Sahida Sultana, Manager of the department of ETP and WTP. Padma Poly Cotton & Knit Fabrics Ltd.

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