Tragic Fire Incidence in Garment Factory and the Moments for Live Telecast
Mohammad Nurul Alam
Senior Merchandiser | Asmara BD Pvt. Ltd. | Dhaka | Bangladesh
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The person was rescued from gravels & stones. He was injured seriously & in a life & death situation. Then came another person holding a microphone & camera. He came near & asked – how you feel? Yes, I am talking about big industrial incidence that happen in Bangladesh. Rana plaza tragedy still haunting us. But it was a scenario that mentioned above when a journalist ask this question to seriously injured person. No matter what he asked but the matter is live telecast. So his rational feeling never hold his back to prevent asking stupid question.

Actually why this old matters came again? The reason is recent fire incident that happen at the Tongi in a garment industry. This is a very tragic fire incidence when everyone is preparing for 2nd Eid holiday. I was surprisingly shocked to imagine what the future impact waiting for us in the apparel industry. So very scared for childish activities that our media is doing in name of live telecast.
I am not agree to hide any ting when a garment owner responsible for death of working people. The person who never think of life risk & safety he must be punished by the laws. So that other apparel manufacturers must think about safety & don’t push the life in risk in name of profit. If he fails to offer proper businesses procedures then he should not come in the garment businesses. Because we don’t want to loss life even if he or she is very ordinary worker. This should not be allowed to throw whole garment industry in challenge & big risk for a few profit maker.
My topic was live telecast for any serious incidence that should not be spread panic among the common people. Even some time this may bring worse situation. The Gulshan tragedy is the best examples when terrorists are watching the live telecast & updating themselves then the situation gone towards worse. Because terrorists want the news should be spread throughout of the world & our media is doing the same unconsciously what they are trying to do. Very funny!!
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Now come to live telecast of Tongi incidence. I was watching the TV news then came to know about the tragic accident & loss of casualties. But the reporter is seeming talking unnecessary. He is talking to person who is crossing him. The reporter stop him & asked – do you know what happened? How fire caught & how many people died? The passerby as he himself watching the fire work he give answer what is rumored. Many people died! Many injured! This a big fire. OK then the report tried to catch a fire worker who is trying to extinguish fire. Hi man, can you tell us what happen? The fire man was so busy that he could not show his face in front of camera. The reporter continuing his nonstop report. What supposed to be, what may happen, what is the loss like this many update. Surprisingly everything is coming from his own explanation & imagination. No authorized person is saying what is the loss & how the fire happen & why.
This is actually our media trends. Everyone is trying to give latest update. So talk more & make the situation worse even if it is bad for overall business. Actually every single tragic incidence keeping us scared for our apparel business. Gulshan tragedy, the wound is still not cured where apparel personnel lost life. The new fire incidence again a big shock in the industry. We don’t know what is waiting next but should have to think for overall business as well as to punish responsible for tragic incidence.
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- 7 Deadly Wastages in Garment Manufacturing
- Burning Out Print Techniques
- Importance of Effective Tracking for Effective Merchandising
- How to Prepare a Complete Production File by Merchandiser

Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.