Now a day’s huge number students are scurrying to go abroad for higher studies to enhance their intellectual growth, which also exposes them to different living standards and world affairs. But maximum students don’t know how to apply for admission, how to submit necessary documents for specific subject in specific universities. For many days, many students tell me to write an article on how to apply for higher education in foreign universities for textile engineering. I was trying to gathering information in this matter. From my personal experience, now I will give a short description about how to go abroad for higher education or study special for textile engineering students. I have also published several articles on list of famous universities those offer textile and fashion degree. You will find bottom of this article.
For going abroad for further studies first of all you have to apply in a recognized university, college or institution. The admission procedure varies from country to country and university to university.
Procedure to Get Offer Letter from Foreign University:
For higher study in textile engineering, at first you need to get offer letter from your prefer university. But this task is not easy. For getting offer letter from foreign university you have to follow below guidelines.
1. Preparing Yourself
2. Documents You Need to be Ready:
Before applying to a university you have to prepare the following documents:
- Collect your all academic and training Certificates and Transcripts. If these are not in English (Secondary and Higher Secondary), immediately withdraw a English version.
- Medium of Instruction Certificate. Your latest University will provide this.
- Testimonial. Your latest University will provide this.
- Prepare a Standard CV with all your highlighted information. CV should be more direct than to elaborate.
- Prepare a Study Plan/ Motivation letter.
- Prepare a Research Proposal that’s highlights your interest most. Actually, it should be prepared according to the research area of your prospective supervising professor.
- Prepare at least three Recommendation letter/Reference letter/Letter of support from any three-professor relevant to your field. It is very effective if you can collect them from your B.Sc. supervisor and Teachers.
- Collect your birth certificate.
- Collect your Nationality Certificate.
- Ready your passport.
- Prepare two or three model letter that you can send to the professors of different university.
3. Where to go for Legalization / Attestation:
You will surely not send your original copy of certificates and transcripts (B.Sc. transcript can be send original). The foreign universities demand a legalized copy of your documents. Legalized means your documents must be attested and send directly to the university by the issuing authority in a sealed envelope. Suppose you were a student of Chittagong University, then go the register building>> submit your photocopies>> deposit the require amount of money (450tk/document, 50tk/page for just attestation) in the bank>> collect the documents in a sealed envelope at a scheduled date from the authority as you can send them along with your application. Sometimes you can send the documents by just attesting by a Notary public (do you know it cost only 12tk/ documents?). Normally EU/Canada/USA/UK needs documents from the issuing authority but for Japan, Korea and even for Australia and New Zealand you can send Notarized copies.
4. Letter Writing Skill to the Professors:
The reality is, you must attract the professor and motivate him as he selects you for his project and agree to supervise you. So, you need good skill in writing these types of letters.
5. Visa Requirements:
Most of the time if you have no scholarship, the visa required sufficient Bank solvency to show. So, it’s a problem. Get your Police clearance certificate just before applying for the visa. Sometimes it needs pre-medical check up to apply but most of the cases medical checkup require later.
6. University Requirement:
My deepest advice is, please get your IELTS certificate as soon as possible before applies. Then you can able to apply to the most of the University. Only USA and some Canadian University require GRE, but UK, All EU, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Asia needs only IELTS score.
DAAD Scholarship in Germany:
DAAD scholarship is a great scope for higher study in textile engineering. A two-year Master’s program leading to M.Sc. in Textile and Clothing Technology is offered at the Institute of Textile Machinery and High-Performance Material Technology (ITM) under Technical University Dresden, Germany.
Scholarships are awarded by DAAD through the program “Postgraduate Course for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries”.
For more information please check the link below:
The dead line for the application of scholarship is October 15 each year. We suggest you to send the papers direct to:
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Maschinenwesen
Institute of Textile Machinery and High-Performance Material Technology (ITM)
Dr. Joachim Arnold
01062 Dresden
For more information please mail to:
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.