INDUSTRY 5.0 and Textile Industry
Michael Rada
INDUSTRY 5.0 Founder
INDUSTRY 5.0 seems to become omnipresent. The number of experts growing rapidly, so as events that use the name as a buzzword. European commission already adopted INDUSTRY 5.0 in the European Sustainable development Framework on January 7, 2021, and the United Nations included INDUSTRY 5.0 in a program of the World Investment Forum on October 19, 2021. But WHAT IS INDUSTRY 5.0.
Let me deliver the answer from the position of INDUSTRY 5.0 FOUNDER. My name is Michael Rada, I am a HUMAN and I launched INDUSTRY 5.0 on December 1st, 2015 by an article named INDUSTRY 5.0 from virtual to physical.
Already the first fact may surprise many. INDUSTRY 5.0 is not a revolution.
INDUSTRY 5.0 is the first industrial EVOLUTION ever led by man (HUMAN)
What does it mean?
- INDUSTRY 5.0 is not an extension of INDUSTRY 4.0
- INDUSTRY 5.0 is not based on machines and technology
- INDUSTRY 5.0 was not created on order of government or industries
- INDUSTRY 5.0 is not a sales tool or another name for industrial IoT
- INDUSTRY 5.0 can not be bought or sold
- INDUSTRY 5.0 is a new global ecosystem with an impact on all industries
INDUSTRY 5.0 aims primarily at the utilization of the existing resources, naming it ON-THE-GROUND-MINES, and is based on the principles of systematic waste prevention (INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING) recognizing four types of waste:
- PHYSICAL WASTE — trash and garbage we put in garbage bins
- SOCIAL WASTE — people that will, but can not live a meaningful life
- URBAN WASTE — brownfields, empty buildings, so as unnecessary greenfields
- PROCESS WASTE — inefficiently used machines, wrongly loaded boxes, empty containers, cars, wagons, and more
Textile and fashion industries count for global industries and at the same time big emitters of pollution and generators of WASTE in many forms. Starting with water pollution, over to the misuse of “cheap human labor” over to the production of “waste” not only in the meaning of cut-offs but the products of fast fashion that frequently turn into waste before reaching the customer or just after one and only use.
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In late 2018 I was invited to deliver the INDUSTRY 5.0 keynote in the cradle of fashion, in ROUBAIX, FRANCE at a FASHIONTECH CONFERENCE. The keynote resonate strongly and this was the first time when INDUSTRY 5.0 influenced the international FASHION INDUSTRY. Next was one year later a conference of the TEXTILE INDUSTRY organized in Pardubice, Czech Republic, where not FASHION, but TEXTILE EXPERTS took part and listen to the information describing The impact and solutions that INDUSTRY 5.0 deliver to the segment
It is necessary to understand INDUSTRY 5.0 in its complexity reflecting all four types of waste PHYSICAL, SOCIAL, URBAN, and PROCESS WASTE.
To realize the changes and transform the industry, each and single process have to be analyzed using the 6R METHODOLOGY which clearly helps during the INDUSTRY 5.0 AUDITs
Following changes come first:
- Mutual cooperation between players and segments
- Transparency on all levels
- Identification of the on-the-ground-mines
- Alignment between production and real demand
The big advantage of INDUSTRY 5.0 is that the successful implementation does not depend on the volume of available financial investment or the size of funding, but only on the WILL TO CHANGE.
Every single project is being implemented directly on the client´s site reflecting his or her business specification. The connection to the global INDUSTRY 5.0 NETWORK opens the possibility not only to apply the “obsolete items” in the textile industry, but outside and eliminate so the impact on the specific market.
INDUSTRIAL UPCYCLING works well with many products and materials.
New technologies at the same time can reduce significantly the negative impact of textile production on the environment. Just a few years ago nobody was able to imagine DYE textile without the use of dangerous and poisonous chemicals and a lot of water, but today both can be skipped.
For product marking lasers are being used.
INDUSTRIAL WASHING, which is one of the next sources of waste can be realized using OZONE INFUSION technology and much more.
One of the “newly” reinvented technologies that gain more and more interest is the processing of textile waste into BIOCHAR, using superheated steam technology. Its inventor ROBERT TONKS from AUSTRALIA successfully developed and introduced technology, that not only minimize the volume of generated volume of waste to “store” in landfills but turn the textile into BIOCHAR with a wide range of application in many industries from agriculture to water recovery up to cosmetics and even medical industries. This gives the technology a great boost and shortens the ROI (RETURN OF INVESTMENT) significantly. Years of development and testing made it to the efficient tool of INDUSTRY 5.0 and systematic waste prevention.
One article is too short to deliver insight into all the possibilities connected to INDUSTRY 5.0.
INDUSTRY 5.0 was introduced and created to build WASTEKESS WORLD F0R ALL by implementing systematic waste prevention in all aspects of life including work. From the beginning of the implementation of its principles in 2013 till now it prevented already more than one million tons of products and materials to become waste.
As mentioned above there would be no segment or industry that will not be influenced by INDUSTRY 5.0 wasteless mindset. A great example is the TEXTILE AND FASHION industries that for many decades “remain the same” but start to change their function with the implementation of INDUSTRY 5.0 principles as described in my keynote delivered at the 2018 fashion dedicated global conference, the keynote name is FASHION IS NOT WASTE.
INDUSTRY 5.0 principles are being represented by INDUSTRY 5.0 AMBASSADORS that already act in 100 countries representing the GATES TO WASTELESS WORLD to more than 87% of the global human population.
I do believe that close harmonized cooperation with textile and fashion experts will deliver results soon and the segment become one of the pillars of global development aiming the planetary and economic recovery.
If any questions feel free to connect with me on LINKEDIN. Realizing workshops, webinars, and implementation projects help to deliver palpable results on all continents.
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.
Good morning, thank you for publishing the article. One correction is needed. INDUSTRY 5.0 was not launched on December 1st, 2021, but on December 1, 2015. Here is one of the latest keynotes delivered to an international audience