Essential Abbreviations of Garments Technology

Last Updated on 28/09/2022

Essential Abbreviations of Garments Technology

Noor Ahmed Raaz
Faculty Member, Dept. of Textile Engineering,
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology


Various abbreviations, incoterms or acronyms are frequently used in different purposes in day to day life of textile engineers. I have given a list of most essential abbreviations of garments manufacturing technology. I think it will be helpful for students, teachers and especially for job seekers in textile and RMG sector.

Abbreviations of Garments technology

Common Abbreviations of Garments Technology
Essential abbreviations of garments technology is listed with chronological english alphabet A-Z.

1. AAQC = American Association of Quality Control

2. AGM = Assistant General Manager

3. AQL = Acceptable Quality Level

4. BE = Bachelor of Engineering

5. BFQ = Better Fisheries Quality

6. BGMEA = Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association

7. BGWUC = Bangladesh Garments Worker Unit Council

8. BKMEA = Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association

9. BL = Bill of Lading

10. BQSP = Bangladesh Quartet Support Programme

11. BTB L/C = Back to Back L/C

12. BTMA = Bangladesh Textile Mills Association

13. BTMC = Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation

14. BWTG = Better Worker in Textile Garments

15. BY = Bas Year

16. C & F = Cost & Freight

17. CAD = Computer Aided Design

18. CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing

19. CBL = Center Back Line

20. CEO = Chief Executive Officer

21. CFL = Center Front Line

22. CIF = Cost, Insurance and Freight

23. CMO = Cost of Making Order

24. CMT = Cost of Making with Trimming

25. CNF = Clearing & Forwarding

26. CO = Certificate of Origin

27. EPB = Export Promotion Bureau

28. EPI = Ends Per Inch

29. ETP = Effluent Treatment Plan

30. EU = European Union

31. FAS = Free Alongside Ship

32. FOB = Free On Board

33. FY = Financial Year

34. GATT = Generalized Agreement on Tariffs and Taxes

35. GB = Great Britain

36. GDP = Growth Domestic Product

37. GM = General Manager

38. GOB = Government Of Bangladesh

39. GPT = Garments Performance Test

40. GSP = Generalized System of Preferences

41. IFTU = International Federation of Trade Union

42. ILO = International Labor Organization

43. IMF = International Monetary Fund

44. ISO = International Organization for Standardization

45. L = Large (Size)

46. L/C = Letter of Credit

47. LCA = Letter of Credit Authorization

48. LDC = Least Developed Country

49. M = Medium (Size)

50. M and W = Men and Women

51. MFA = Multi Fiber Arrangement

52. MOC = Ministry of Commerce

53. MOT = Ministry of Textile

54. NOC = No Objection Certificate

55. NSA = No Seam Allowance

56. P/C = Polyester + Cotton

57. PCD = Planned Cut Date

58. PM = Production Manager

59. PO = Production Officer

60. PPE = Personal Protective Equipment

61. PPI = Picks Per Inch

62. PSI = Pre-Shipment Inspection

63. PTI = Private Textile Industry

64. PTS = Primary Textile Sector

65. QA = Quality Assurance

66. QC = Quality Control / Controller

67. QI = Quality Inspector

68. QIP = Quality Improvement Plan

69. QMS = Quality Management System

70. RFID = Radio-frequency identification

71. RH = Relative Humidity

72. RMG = Ready Made Garments

73. RPM = Revolution per Minute

74. RSL = Restricted Substances List

75. S = Small (Size)

76. SAM = Standard Allowed Minute

77. SCM = Supply Chain Management

78. SKU = Stock Keeping Unit

79. SMV = Standard Minute Value

80. SOP = Standard Operating Procedure

81. SPC = Statistical Process Control

82. SPI = Stitch Per Inch

83. SPL = Stitch Per length

84. SPM = Stitches Per Minute

85. SPT = Stitch Per Tack

86. SQC = Statistical Quality Control

87. T/C = Tetron + Cotton

88. TU = Trade Union

89. TUF = Technology Upgradation Fund

90. UD = Utilization Declaration

91. UNDP = United Nations Development Programme

92. UNEC = United Nations Economic and Development Commission

93. UNIDO = United Nation International Development Organization

94. UP = Utilization Permission

95. UPC = Universal Product Code

96. VAT = Value Added Tax

97. VMS = Visual Management System

98. W and G = Women and Girl

99. WTO = World Trade Organization

100. XL = Extra Large (Size)

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