Perspiration from the human body is a complex chemical containing large quantities of salts. Depending on the human metabolism, it can be either acidic or alkaline. The tests for color fastness to perspiration are based on the solution prepared by simulating the acid and alkaline perspiration.
Color fastness to perspiration test is used to determine the resistance of the color of textile of all kinds and in all forms to perspiration. The color fastness to perspiration (acid and alkaline) shall be at least level 3-4 (color change and staining). This criterion does not apply to white products, to products that are neither dyed nor printed, to furniture fabrics, curtains or similar textiles intended for interior decoration. A level of 3 is nevertheless allowed when fabrics are both light colored (standard depth <1/12) and made of silk or of blends with more than 20% silk. This kind of test is specially applied for the sportswear and heavy dresses which are used specially. Normal cloths are also tested by perspiration test.
Color Fastness to Perspiration:
The garments at which come into contact with the body where perspiration is heavy may suffer serious local discoloration. This test is intended to determine the resistance of color of dyed textile to the action of acidic and alkaline perspiration. Before knowing about the Color Fastness to perspiration you must have to know about Color Fastness to Wash and Color Fastness to Rubbing.
Well, in today’s article you will know about the perspiration matters which affects on Color fastness.
Purpose and Scope:
This test method is used to determine the fastness of colored textiles to the effects of acid and alkali perspiration. It is applicable to dyed, printed or otherwise colored textile fibers, yarns and fabrics of all kinds and to the testing of dyestuffs as applied to textiles.
A specimen of colored textile in contact with other fiber materials (for color transfer) is wet out in simulated acid perspiration solution, subjected to a fixed mechanical pressure and allowed to dry slowly at a slightly elevated temperature. After conditioning, the specimen is evaluated for color change and the other fiber materials are evaluated for color transfer.
Apparatus for Perspiration Fastness Measurement:
- Perspiration tester
- Oven, Maintained at 37+-2 Degree centigrade
- Multifiber test fabric
- Grey scale
- Color matching chamber
- Acidic and Alkaline solution
- Glass or Acrylic plat
- Weight.
Reagent for Perspiration Test:
- Solution freshly prepared, containing 0.5g 1-histidine mono-hydrochloride mono-hydrate, 5g sodium chloride, and 2.5g disodium hydrogen orthophosphate per liter brought to pH 8.0 with 0.1N sodium hydroxide.
- Solution freshly prepared, containing 0.5g 1-histidine mono-hydrochloride mono-hydrate, 5g sodium chloride, and 2.2g sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate per liter brought to pH 5.5 with 0.1N sodium hydroxide.
- Two undyed cloths for each specimen each 6×6cm of the same kind of fiber as the sample. Place the specimen between the two pieces of white cloth and sew along one side to form a composite sample.
Working Procedure of Color Fastness to Perspiration Test:
- Align the test specimen and multifiber fabric and sew together along the short edge to form a composite specimen.
- Weigh each composite specimen. Calculate the amount of test solution according to a liquor ratio of 1:50 per specimen.
- Thoroughly wet one composite sample in a solution of pH 8.0 at the liquor ratio of 20:1 and allow it to remain in this solution at room temperature for 30min. Pour off the solution and place the composite sample between two glasses plates measuring about 7.5×6.5cm under a force of about 4.5kg.
- Treat the other sample in the same way but with the solution at pH 5.5.
- Place the apparatus containing the samples in the oven for 4 hour at 37±2˚C
- Separate the sample from the white cloth and dry them apart in air at the temperature not exceeding 60˚C.
- After drying, assess all the specimens using the grey scale for assessing color change and assess all the components on the adjacent multi-fiber fabric using the grey scale for assessing staining.
You may also like:
- What is Color Fastness | How to Improve Colorfastness | Importance of Color Fastness
- Different Types of Colour Fastness Test | Factors Affecting Colour Fastness
- Gray Scale for Color Change and Color Staining
- Colour Fastness to Washing Procedure (ISO 105 C06)
- Various Fastness Methods Given to the Dyed Material
- How to Determine colour Fastness to Wash
- Light Fastness of Textiles: Factors Affecting and Control Measures
- Colour Fastness to Laundering Test
- Factors Affecting the Rubbing Fastness of Textile Materials
- Colour Fastness to Water Test Method (ISO 105 EO1)
- Color Fastness to Sea Water (ISO 105 E02)

Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.