Production Control System for the Garment Industry
In order to survive in a highly competitive environment or during an economical crisis every company needs to maximize the efficiency of its activity. For garment factories and workshops this means a higher utilization rate of the workforce and a strict control of raw material costs. So, production control system is very important in garment industry.
At those factories where the management does not use any monitoring system of the workers and wages are paid without linking them to individual performance, the productivity of the employees is usually under 70%. This means that less than 70% of the working time of employees is used for production and the rest is lost.
A higher efficiency can be observed at the factories which implemented a salary system linked to the individual productivity. At many factories, as a first step to a better organization and control, every worker keeps his work record and at the end of day / week the data is processed and the employees are paid according to how many operations they made. This method leads to a higher motivation of the employees and a 80-85% of efficiency in using the workforce.
However, this has some drawbacks as well:
- The employees waste a lot of time with keeping evidence of their work and in many cases this can mean up to 10% of their work time.
- The manual processing of this amount of data can lead to a lot of mistakes – it can frequently happen that some employees are paid more or less than they should be paid.
- For more than 50 employees it is almost impossible to manually process the data without significant errors.
- This method offers only a partial solution to the problem; it does not help with the optimal organization of the manufacturing process or with the control of the material consumption.
The best solution for solving all these problem is the implementation of an efficient, automatic system for production controlling which will secure the maximization of the efficiency of workforce, reduces the raw material consumption and in the same the ensures a strict control of the production process.
There are many systems to do this job, but they were designed for big enterprises with at least 500 workers or more (even thousands). Small and medium sized enterprises (up to 250 employees) didn’t have any viable solution; they couldn’t get the above mentioned systems because of the high prices (most of them 20.000-100.000 USD).
Now, for the first time, there is a solution for SMEs as well, namely Kontrollis, the Production Control System for the Garment Industry. It is a cloud based system that needs no installation or initial investment and it can be used only based on a monthly fee. This way, even SMEs can implement it without any financial effort, and can benefit from the advantages of sophisticated IT solutions even from the first month. The benefits of such system are much higher than the related costs. After implementing this production control system the productivity grows with 10 to 30%, which means for a medium sized company an additional profit of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in a year.
Kontrollis is an automatic system, the shop floor data collection is based on barcode labels, it is very easy to use and offers a lot of advantages, which lead to a significant increase of productivity and lower production costs.
The main advantages offered by the system are:
It calculates the individual performance of every employee and ensures a salary system based on individual productivity:
Knowing the individual work efficiency of all the employees is a key factor for every company. This provides the data needed for organizing the production process and all the information necessary for the training of the workers. Based on this, the company can implement a motivating salary system, where every worker is paid according the quantity and quality of his work. All these lead to a significant increase of the productivity at company level.
Full control of the production costs:
The system offers precise and detailed information about the costs of orders, styles and product types (all the direct material and wage costs). The software calculates the differences between the estimated and the real costs and offers the possibility to identify the weak points, where, with a strict control the management can cut the costs.
You can control the quality deficiencies:
With the help of the system you can identify the workers who made mistakes and it is possible penalize the faults. This way, every worker knows that he/she should pay attention also to the quality of his/her work and on long term quality deficiencies will decrease significantly.
With Kontrollis, You can make pre-calculations of the costs of an order:
When the factory receives an order, the system calculates the production cost, including material and salary costs, providing the necessary information for a fair price offer.
Assistance in production planning:
The system contributes to a more efficient production planning, offering information about the optimal distribution of workers on different operations (based on their previous performance), so the production planning team can minimize the unused (“dead”) times when workers wait for materials.
The system can be implemented without major investment, based only on a monthly fee:
Comparing to other similar systems, Kontrollis has an important advantage for SMEs, they don’t have to risk investing tens of thousands of dollars in a system which they don’t even know. Here they can test it for free and then use it just by paying a monthly fee.
The management can control the production process even when they are out of the factory:
Being an online application, every person with the right user account can monitor from distance the daily production, a lots of reports, the situation of launched orders, the number of finalized products on that day and a lot of other important data.
30 days free testing:
Every company can test the system for free for 30 days. In this period they can estimate the benefits and understand the advantages of the system without any risk. If implemented correctly, the benefits will be much higher than the related costs.
Contact Details:
Székely Szilárd
Sales Manager Kontrollis Erp Garment Industry,
Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.