A Visionary Future Textile Scholar & His Articles on Fashion Industry
Shubham Anil Jain
Department of Textiles (Fashion Technology)
DKTE’S Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji, India
Email: shubhamajain125@gmail.com
Shubham Anil Jain has successfully completed his 2 months internship on “Content Writing & Research” in Textile Learner. Today we will know about Shubham Anil Jain – A Visionary Future Textile Scholar.
Editor: Hey Shubham! Please tell me about yourself.
Shubham Anil Jain: My name is Shubham Anil Jain. I am 21 years old. I am from Ichalkaranji, District-Kolhapur, Maharashtra. I have completed my Schooling and Junior college from Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra. Pursuing my B-Tech Degree in Fashion Technology (Textiles) from DKTE’s Textiles and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra. Currently I am in Final Year and consistently secured 1st rank in my class with CGPA of 9.08. Along with B-Tech Degree I am also undertaking Honors Degree in Technical Textiles from DKTE’s Textiles and Engineering Institute. I have maintained very good academic record throughout my schooling and engineering. I have completed various certification courses such as Fundamentals of Digital Marketing, Bridal Wear course, Sustainable Fashion, Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies etc. Won prizes in various paper presentation and poster presentation event (State and national level). Currently working on project of Design and Development of pain Relief Heating Pad. Completed Internship in June 2021 from Ichalkaranji Garment Cluster Ltd. and done mini project on Application of IE Techniques. My future plan is to do a Job (Merchandiser, Pattern Maker, Textile Designer, Production, marketing, etc.) in well-known and reputable organization, to explore my knowledge, learning, skills, etc.
Editor: Please share your experience working with Textile Learner.
Shubham Anil Jain: I had a very good experience while doing this internship. I have got good knowledge about various new and latest topics during internship. This internship has enhanced my writing skill, vocabulary, etc. After completing the internship, I feel that I have gained and enhanced lots of new knowledge which will be definitely helpful to me in future. Finally, I thanks Textile learner for giving me this wonderful opportunity to work under you and for your timely response, suggestions and co-operation throughout the internship.
Editor: What is your advice for students who are interested in doing an internship on “Content Writing & Research” in Textile Learner?
Shubham Anil Jain: My advice and appeal for the students is too definitely to go through internship on “Content Writing and Research”. It is a kind of internship which will add value in your life and make your personality and resume strong. You will learn a lot which will be helpful to you in your life. As Textile learner is world’s largest and popular textile blog, so writing and publishing article in it, will be lifetime moment for you.
Articles of Shubham which are published on Textile Learner during internship period.
Title 1: Time and Action plan for Garment Merchandising.
Summary: TNA is a Time and action calendar plan, considered as one of the most useful project management tools which was basically developed for garments merchandiser and production team. As we know that garments manufacturing requires a collaboration of many people, organizations, suppliers, buyer, and manufacturers and to see that all the tasks are completing on time and in required manner, that’s why merchandiser prepare Time and action calendar and carry out all the activities according to it. It is just like a summary of whole order which has to be executed. Merchandiser has to prepare very good and comfortable TNA by understanding all the pros and cons of the order.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/time-and-action-plan-for-garment-merchandising/
Title 2: RFID Technology in Fashion and Textile Supply Chain Management
Summary: Due to the introduction and advancement of new technologies there is enhancement of innovative approach to manage businesses and one of them is RFID technology. It has become an inherent part of many organizations in supply chain management, retail, automatic toll collection, etc. RFID technology is simply based on wireless communication, which uses electromagnetic fields for automatic identification of an object, an animal or a person carrying RFID tags. Currently RFID technology has become more popular and been rapidly adopted by many industries, including fashion and textiles. The use of RFID systems in textiles is increasing in rapid pace. In the business context the RFID technology has reached a large interest because of the advancements that it represents for companies considered individually or integrated in a supply chain.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/rfid-technology-in-fashion-and-textile/
Title 3: Camouflage Fabric and Its Application in Military Clothing
Summary: Today camouflage is playing a passive role in the requirement of secrecy and deception. The recent development in camouflage fabric is found which is nature raised fabric particularly used for special hunting purpose. So the camouflage fabrics have greater role and application for military purpose in future. The art of camouflage is not in what a soldier wears, but rather it depends upon how well he blends with the environment, using what the environment has to colour and camouflage design issues in military clothing. Camouflage textiles in military are considered to be one of the fastest growing, high value division. These fabrics not only help the to protect armed forces from visual ad IR detection but also with respect to their heat and sweat management capabilities and to see that the soldiers can manage and perform to the best of their abilities even under adverse climatic conditions.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/camouflage-fabric-in-military-clothing/
Title 4: Computer Aided Fashion Designing and Its Application
Summary: Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the use of computer technology and advancement for the process of design development and collection development. CAD proves very useful for doing fashion sketches, flat drawing, pattern making development, computerized marker planning and many other fashion designing related aspects. CAD systems were initially developed to design precision machines, but by the 1970s, they began to find wide applications in the textile industry. Today CAD use is universal in textile and fashion design. Computer-aided design or “CAD” is fast becoming the future of sketching and apparel manufacturing in the industry. In today’s scenario, Fashion Design Institute students enhance the knowledge of how to use these CAD software, as this will be the future of Fashion Industry.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/computer-aided-fashion-designing/
Title 5: Complete Guide to Fashion Draping
Summary: Fashion draping is considered as one of the oldest method used since the 18th century. Currently, it is considered to be an important aspect in the process of fashion designing. This process consist of positioning and pinning fabric on a standard size dress form to develop the structure of a garment design. Many types and sizes of dress forms are designed for women, men and children to fulfill the requirement by using draping method. A garment can be draped using a design sketch as a support, or a fashion designer can play with different kinds of fabric and the way it falls to create new designs at the start of the dress design process.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/fashion-draping-techniques/
Title 6: Impact of Industry 4.0 on Fashion Supply Chain Management.
Summary: In the year of 2013 we experienced the fourth industrial revolution which is based on technological advancement. Industry 4.0 is the newly developed concept in which all manufacturing processes are changed from traditional method to advance technological based manufacturing process. The concept is based on various technologies and advancements such as internet of things, smart factory, big data, and cyber physical system. Industry 4.0 is basically focusing on the internet which is the most important factor in our day to day life. This Industry 4.0 concept are impacting on every management area. It also impact adversely on the supply chain management (SCM). This concept develops the virtual reality which is important in the view of current pandemic situation.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/industry-4-0-on-fashion-supply-chain-management/
Title 7: Cloud computing in Textile and Fashion Industry
Summary: Cloud Computing is considered as one of the next big trend, but when it is studied from the point of different services it provides; it’s the next fashionable and prominent computing system offered through internet. This computing system is providing various useful services in various industries considering textile and apparel industries too. In the apparel and textile industry there are some special management systems to simplify various business operations. In today’s scenario, depending on the business need, an organization can choose to move certain aspects to their technological advancement and IT requirements to the Cloud Computing. With the correct assessment of the business needs, existing infrastructure and through understanding the organization’s strategic objectives, a cloud computing can provide relevant and focused solutions.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/cloud-computing-in-textile-and-apparel-industry/
Title 8: Artificial Intelligence in Fashion Industry
Summary: AI is changing the fashion industry by playing a critical role in the various key divisions. From design to manufacturing, logistic supply chain and marketing, AI in fashion industry is playing a huge role in transforming this industry and giving a new look to it. The high increase in investments by many leading fashion brands in these technologies are proof that it has immense business potential. The use of Artificial Intelligence with various aspects such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Visual Recognition, and Data Analytics can help to reduce errors in trend predictions and forecast trends more accurately which would reduce the amount of clothing produced and then unused. Now-a-days, fashion manufacturers are innovating the use of AI to help improve efficiency and quality of manufacturing processes and augment human textile employees.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/artificial-intelligence-in-fashion-industry/
Title 9: Augmented Reality in Fashion Industry
Summary: In current scenario, augmented reality seems to be one of the biggest technology trends, which enhances version of the real physical world using sensory stimuli. The early adopters of AR have developed technologies to improve the customer satisfaction and shopping experience. Due to the pandemic situation this technology has been adopted in very rapid pace. From transforming this technology into apps, and stores, results it as a marketing tool, businesses are beginning to see tangible and concrete results. Currently, FashionUnited has come up with ten recent augmented reality features that have potential to revolutionise shopping habits in the near future. So AR will have huge and bright scope in future and will attracts lot of customers.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/augmented-reality-in-fashion-industry/
Title 10: Latest Technology Trends in Fashion Industry
Summary: As we are in 21st century and one can’t deny the impact of technology in our daily lives and lifestyle. There is no any business domain or business model that has not been impacted by this technological advancement, including the fashion industry. Nowadays, many well renowned and popular fashion brands are taking help of technology to get benefit and advancement in their field. As a result, custom software development has become a latest trends for fashion industry. There are many development of customized websites and mobile applications which help designers to establish and create a digital voice for their brands. With the technological advancements in fashion industry, will be beneficial to both consumers and brands in terms of cost, shopping experience and customer satisfaction.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/technology-trends-in-fashion-industry/
Title 11: 3D Printing Technology in Fashion Industry
Summary: 3D printing technology is considered as one of the most emerging and significant technologies of the fourth industrial revolution in many of the industries, and the fashion industry is also included in it. Many industry experts have predicted that the medical, aviation, aircraft, fashion and consumer goods industries will see tremendous increases in the adoption of 3D printing technology. Due to the advancement in technical possibilities in 3D printing and 3D scanning make developments possible that will give drastic change in production and trade in the fashion and textile industry. Now-a-days, the use of 3D printers in the textile and fashion industry is gaining attention since designers and clothing producers discovered the importance and benefits of 3D printing technology.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/3d-printing-technology-in-fashion-industry/
Title 12: Blockchain Technology in Fashion Industry
Summary: Blockchain is a kind of distributed digital system which is useful to maintain the records of events across a public or private computing network. It is like a kind of distributed ledger technology (DLT). It is made up of a series of blocks which are linked together. Blockchain, like the apparel industry, has evolved greatly ever since it was conceived. It was, introduced in the fashion world for the first time in the Shanghai Fashion Week 2016 and today the technology has expanded its use cases in the direction of making the sector highly efficient and transparent. In today’s scenario, the fashion industry has experienced many applications of blockchain in various aspects such as to track the origin of products, prove their authenticity and quality and assert ethical claims and fair trade practices.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/blockchain-technology-in-fashion-industry/
Title 13: Impact of Internet of Things in Fashion Industry
Summary: Nowadays, IoT is becoming an integral part of the fashion industry considering various aspects. As per a TechParker report, designers and brands are embracing IoT technology to push up production and marketing limits. There has been significant development in smart clothing, wearable spaces, multi-functional designs and responsive sportswear in recent years and also had great scope in future. The wide application of Internet of Things (IoT) has helped various brands to create apparels with digital capabilities. Not only to fashion industry, IoT has proved to be one of the best and important tools for the healthcare industry. It will provide huge scope in advanced healthcare facilities to patients, doctors, and researchers. These facilities include smart diagnosis, wearable devices for tracking health, patient management, and many more.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/internet-of-things-iot-in-fashion-industry/
Title 14: Big Data in Fashion Industry: Impact, Benefits and Application
Summary: Big Data has been a prominent term in fashion world since the last decade. It is fast becoming an integral part of the fashion industry. It is increasingly playing a role in trend forecasting and analyzing consumer behavior. Big data is key to success in any high-level industry, including fashion. As stated in a recent study, big data is increasingly being used in the fashion industry for “trend forecasting, supply chain management, customer behavior analysis, preferences, and emotions”.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/big-data-in-fashion-industry/
Title 15: Wearable Technology in Fashion Industry: Application and Advantages
Summary: Wearable technology refers to clothing and footwear that incorporate advanced electronic and computing technologies for the fashion industry. Wearable devices are fast becoming the future of technology and the day is not far when ‘smart wearables’ are going to conquer the whole world. The main objective of these investments made by this industry is to enhance the performance of athletes and the human capacity to perform different activities.
Article link: https://textilelearner.net/wearable-technology-in-fashion-industry/
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.
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