Rinse Wash | Purpose of Rinse Washing | Applications of Rinse Wash

Last Updated on 17/02/2022

Rinse Wash:
Rinse wash is the most basic wash for denim garment. Such type of wash is also used in dyeing frequently. To clean dyeing machine rinse wash also used. Typically named, Dark Wash, the only purpose of this wash is to make the garment wearable. During the construction of denim fabric, starch is applied to strengthen the Warp. This makes the fabric pretty stiff and harsh to skin. In rinse wash the garment is desized and some softening agent is applied to improve the hand feel of garment. In some cases Potassium Permanganate is applied on blasted area with spray gun of paint brush. This is commonly used where the fading effect is desired to high intensity.

Rinse Washed Jeans
Fig: Rinse Washed Jeans

Purpose of Rinse Wash:
The main reason to rinse jeans before wearing them is that they simply will last longer, as starch (and chemicals) is removed. This softens the fabric.

Rinse wash is required for the following reasons:

  1. To remove dust, dirt, oil spot, impurities from the garments
  2. To remove starch presents on the garment fabrics
  3. For soft feeling to wear the garments after purchasing
  4. To achieve buyer washing standard

Steps of Rinse Wash:
In rinse wash commonly steps followed as:

  1. Desizing
  2. Soap Rinsing
  3. Softener Application

Applications of Rinse Wash:

i. Wetting Agent
It is appropriate some time to add a wetting agent to wash bath to ease the action of amylase enzyme for desizing. It also prevents washing cracks which may appear on garment when starch used in denim construction is of low grade or weight of fabric is over 10 oz. additionally; temperature is maintained between 400C to 600C to increase the functionality of wetting agent and desizer.

ii. Anti-Back Staining
There are always handsome chances of deposition of indigo back to garment during desizing. To avoid this phenomenon, some agents are used, classified as Anti-Back staining Agents (ABS). These ABS are derivatives of detergent and act as leveling agents and do not allow the indigo particles to redeposit on garment.

iii. Fading Effect
In case of sand blasting you may need to apply some oxidizing agent to improve the effects of fading. One method is to apply Hydrogen peroxide in washer, that removes the unfixed indigo partials from blasted area and make the contrast more bright and visible. Mild quantity of peroxide did not affect the shade much but rather act as a cleaning agent.

iv. Potassium Permanganate
In some cases Potassium Permanganate is applied on blasted area with spray gun of paint brush. This is commonly used where the fading effect is desired to high intensity. As compare to peroxide this method will result much brightness and whiteness.

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