Costing of Solid Dyed Fabric Stitch and Non-Stitch

Costing of Solid Dyed Fabric Stitch and Non-Stitch
(As a Practical E x perience)
Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman (Maya)
M.Sc. in Te x tile Engineering
AGM, M.Hossain Cotton Spinning Mills Ltd


What is Solid Dyed Fabric?
Color fabrics are two types, yarn dyed and fabric dyed or solid dyed fabric. Solid dyed fabrics are dyed with the piece dyeing method, and the materials are also called piece dyed. In this case, piece dyeing is used for solid fabric where the fabric is dyed after weaving or knitting. Generally solid dyed fabric doesn’t have good color fastness compared to yarn-dyed. In this article I will discuss costing of solid dyed fabric for both stitch and non-stitch.

Costing of Solid Dyed Fabric

Costing of Solid Dyed Fabric Stitch:

Warp Count2040
Weft Count1640
Design1 / 1 Plain1 / 1 Plain
Nominal Total EndsEPI x Width = 128 x 52 = 6656EPI x Width = 120 x 52 = 6240
Selvedge Size2020
Ends / Selvedge (mm)(EPI x Selvedge size) / 25.4 = (128 x 20) / 25.4 = 101(EPI x Selvedge size) / 25.4 = (120 x 20) / 25.4 = 94
Actual Total Ends(Nominal T. ends + ends selvedge) = 6656 + 101 = 67576240 + 94 = 6334
Reed CountEPI x 0.91 = 128 x 0.91 = 92120 x 0.91 = 86
Reed Space(Act. T. ends) / Reed count + 5 = (6757 / 92) + 5 = 78.32(6334 / 86) + 5 = 78.32
Warp wt. (lbs / yds)(Act. T. ends) / 840 / Count = (6757 / 840 / 20) = 0.182(6334 / 840 / 40) = 0.086
Weft wt. (lbs / yds)(Reed Space x PPI) / (840 x Count) = (78.32 x 60) / (840 x 16) = 0.159(78.32 x 80) / (840 x 40) = 0.085
Shrinkage% Warp17%17%
Allowance 3% waste weft1%1%
Wt. (lbs)WarpWarp wt. + (warp wt. x shrinkage %) = 0.182 + 0.182 x 17% = 0.2310.086 + 0.086 x 17% = 0.100
WeftWarp wt. + (warp wt. x shrinkage %) = 0.159 + 0.159 x 17% = 0.1600.085 + 0.085 x 17% = 0.085
Wt. / YdsWarp wt. + weft wt. = 0.231 + 0.160 = 0.3740.100 + 0.085 = 0.185
Dyeing  Allowance10%10%
Dyeing Warp (kg)wt. Warp x Allowance = 0.182 x 10% = 0.0210.100 x 10% = 0.010
Dyeing Weft (kg)Wt. weft x Allowance = 0.16 x 10% = 0.0160.085 x 10% = 0.009


Total Wt (lbs)WarpWarp wt. + Dyeing warp = 0.231 + 0.021 = 0.2350.100 + 0.009 = 0.110
WeftWeft wt. + Dyeing weft = 0.160 + 0.016 = 0.1760.085 + 0.009 = 0.094
Total Wt. (lbs / yds)T. wt. warp + T. wt. weft = 0.235 + 0.176 = 0.4110.110 + 0.094 = 0.204
Yarn PriceWarp230230
Yarn Cost (m)WarpYarn price x T. wt = 230 x 0.411 = 94.53230 x 0.204 = 46.92
WeftYarn price x T. wt = 205 x 0.411 = 84.26205 x 0.204 = 41.82
Yarn Cost / ydsYarn cost warp + weft = 94.53 + 84.26 = 178.7946.92 + 41.82 = 88.74
Loom Rent / day60006000
Production / day (100%  eff)(PPM x 60 x 24) / (36 x PPI) = (540 x 60 x 24) / (36 x 60) = 360(540 x 60 x 24) / (36 x 80) = 270
Production / day (85%  eff)Production / day (100%) x 0.85 = 360 x 0.85 = 306270 x 0.85 = 230
Weaving ChargeWeaving Charge / Pick rate(Loom Rent / day) / ( Prodn. 85% x PPI) = 6000 / (306 x 60) = 0.3266000 / (230 x 80) = 0.326
Weaving Charge / mtr ratePPI x Per Pick rate = 60 x 0.326 = 19.5680 x 0.326 = 26.08
Per yds Grey Fabric rateYarn cost / yds + Weaving Charge / mtr rate = 178.79 + 19.56 = 198.3588.74 + 26.08 = 114.82

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Costing of Solid Dyed Fabric Non-Stitch:

Warp Count6030
Weft Count5020
Design2 / 12 / 1
Nominal Total EndsEPI x Width = 184 x 57 = 10488EPI x Width = 152 x 57 = 8664
Selvedge Size1010
Ends / Selvedge (mm)(EPI x Selvedge size) / 25.4 = (184 x 10) = 72(EPI x Selvedge size) / 25.4 = (152 x 10) / 25.4 = 60
Actual Total Ends(Nominal T. ends + ends selvedge) = 10488 + 72 = 105608664 + 60 = 8724
Reed CountEPI x 0.91 = 184 x 0.91 = 167152 x 0.91 = 138
Reed Space(Act. T. ends) / Reed count + 5 = (10560 / 167) + 5 = 68.23(8724 / 138) + 5 = 68.23
Warp wt. (lbs / yds)(Act. T. ends) / 840 / Count = (10560 / 840 / 60) = 0.21(8664 / 840 / 30) = 0.343
Weft wt. (lbs / yds)(Reed Space x PPI) / (840 x Count) = (68.23 x 80) / (840 x 50) = 0.13(68.23 x 75) / (840 x 20) = 0.304
Shrinkage % Warp18%18%
Allowance 3% waste weft1%1%
Wt. (lbs)WarpWarp wt. + (warp wt. x shrinkage %) = 0.21 + 0.21 x 18% = 0.2470.343 + 0.343 x 18% = 0.408
WeftWarp wt. + (warp wt. x shrinkage %) = 0.13 + 0.13 x 18% = 0.1530.304 + 0.304 x 18% = 0.358
Wt. / YdsWarp wt. + weft wt. = 0.247 + 0.153 = 0.400.408 + 0.358 = 0.766
Dyeing  Allowance5%5%
Dyeing Warp (kg)wt. Warp x Allowance = 0.247 x 5% = 0.01240.408 x 5% = 0.0204
Dyeing Weft (kg)Wt. weft x Allowance = 0.153 x 5% = 0.00770.358 x 5% = 0.0179


Total Wt (lbs)WarpWarp wt. + Dyeing warp = 0.247 + 0.0124 = 0.2590.358 + 0.0204 = 0.428
WeftWeft wt. + Dyeing weft = 0.153 + 0.0077 = 0.16070.358 + 0.0179 = 0.375
Total Wt. (lbs / yds)T. wt. warp + T. wt. weft = 0.259 + 0.1607 = 0.4190.428 + 0.375 = 0.803
Yarn PriceWarp180140
Yarn Cost (m)WarpYarn price x T. wt = 180 x 0.259 = 46.62140 x 0.428 = 59.92
WeftYarn price x T. wt = 135 x 0.1607 = 21.6885 x 0.375 = 31.875
Yarn Cost / ydsYarn cost warp + weft = 46.62 + 21.68 = 68.3059.92 + 31.875 = 91.795
Loom Rent / day65005500
Production / day (100%  eff)(PPM x 60 x 24) / (36 x PPI) = (540 x 60 x 24) / (36 x 80) = 270.10(540 x 60 x 24) / (36 x 75) = 288
Production / day (85%  eff)Production / day (100%) x 0.85 = 270.1 x 0.85 = 230288 x 0.85 = 245
Weaving ChargeWeaving Charge / Pick rate(Loom Rent / day) / ( Prodn. 85% x PPI) = 6500 / (230 x 80) = 0.3535500 / (245 x 75) = 0.299
Weaving Charge / mtr ratePPI x Per Pick rate = 80 x 0.353 = 28.2475 x 0.299 = 22.42
Per yds Grey Fabric rateYarn cost / yds + Weaving Charge / mtr rate = 68.30 + 28.24 = 96.5491.795 + 22.42 = 114.22

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