Testing means checking, examine and verification of some items. On the other way we can define testing as; it is the process or procedure to determine the quality of a product. Testing is governed by 5M, which are: Man, Machine, Material, Method and Measurement.
The quality of a product or process is checked before it is put into large-scale usage. The quality of the product, its performance, and its reliability are the key factors while testing is performed. Testing can be defined as the methods or protocols adopted to verify / determine the properties of a product. It can be divided primarily into two types: regular process testing and quality assurance testing. Routine testing helps to streamline the daily process. Quality assurance testing helps the process or product in the long run to establish credibility. Testing can also be defined as the procedures adopted to determine a product’s suitability and quality.
What is Textile Testing?
The primary purpose of textile testing and analysis is to assess the product properties and predict its performance during use. Textile Testing and Quality Control (TTQC) is very important work or process in each department of export oriented industry. Buyers want quality but not quantity. In every department of textile industry quality maintained of each material. Because one material’s quality depend on another’s quality. For example, if qualified fiber is inputted then output will be good yarn.

Textile Testing can be carried out at different stages, beginning from the raw material – fiber, and the subsequent intermediaries such as yarn, fabric – grey and processed stages, and finally, the garment.
Objectives of Textile Testing:
- For R&D (research and development) purpose
- Process development
- To check the quality and suitability of textile raw material
- Product testing
- Conformity with government regulations and specifications
- Product failure analysis
- To monitor the production (process control)
- To assess the quality of final product
- To investigate the faulty materials
- Comparative testing and benchmarking
- For new product development
Standardization of Textile Testing:
When a textile material or product is tested, its results must fulfill both explicit and implicit requirements. The explicit requirements from the tests are either that how the product will perform during its life cycle or how it will meet the required specifications. The core purpose of testing is that it must be reproducible; it means that if the same material tested under similar conditions in different laboratories, or at another time, and by another operator but it should yield the same results. However, testing results of textile materials are not expected to be similar every time.
The factors affecting the reproducibility of results are as follows:
1. Variation in the material: It could be minimized by proper selection of representative sample from the material being tested by using some statistical tools.
2. Variations imparted by test method: These variations are caused by conditions under which the testing is being held like speed, pressure, gauge length, temperature, relative humidity, etc. These variations could be minimized by specifying the standard written test methods for testing. For this purpose, organizations like ISO (International Organization for Standardization) are working to build internationally accepted standard test methods.
The term quality refers the excellence of a product. When we say the quality of a product is good. We mean that the product is good for the purpose for which it has been made.
In either way, quality could be termed as customers’ satisfaction; a good quality product means that it will fulfill all the purposes for which it has been produced.
To check or verify and hence to regulate.
Quality Control:
Quality control is the systematic and regular control of the variable which affects the quality of a product. It is the checking, verification and regulation of the degree of excellence of an attribute or property of something. Quality control comprises of planning, raw data compilation, its investigation and implementation.
Production monitoring involves the testing of production line samples, which is termed “quality control.” Its purpose is to sustain certain definite properties of the end product within acceptable tolerance limits as per the agreement between the producer and the consumer. A product that does not meet the already agreed specification or the required quality will be termed a “fail.”
The operational techniques and activities that sustain the quality of a product or service in order to satisfy given requirements. It consists of quality planning, data collection, data analysis and implementation and is applicable to all phases of product life cycle; design, manufacturing, delivery and installation, operation and maintenance.
Objects of Quality Control:
- To produce required quality product.
- To fulfill the customer’s demand.
- To reduce the production cost.
- To minimize/reduce wastage.
- To earn maximum profit at minimum cost.
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.