Important Questions for Fashion Design Students
Shubham Anil Jain
Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited
Bangalore, India
The term fashion describes the current persuading trends in a society and all over the world for example considering a particular way of dressing, lifestyle, pattern of though and the development and evolution of the arts. Basically fashion design is combination of science and art and when the art is considered it is a application of design and aesthetics or natural beauty to clothing and accessories. The individuals who study about fashion design they are called fashion designers. So, become a fashion designer and get job in fashion design, fashion designer has to face different short questions. In this article, some of the important topics or questions are given for fashion design students and professionals, which are very important to become a fashion designer. In this article I will cover syllabus of bachelor degree on fashion design.
List of Important Topics / Questions for Fashion Design Students:
A. Fashion and Design Concepts:
- What is meant by fashion?
- What is mean by design?
- What is mean by fashion design?
- What is mean by fashion cycle?
- What are various fashion theories?
- What are different fashion dresses?
- Which are various aspects of design?
- What is optical illusion and its role in fashion designing?
- What are elements of design?
- What are principles of design?
- What is silhouette and its types?
- Sources of colour, colour theory and colour schemes.
- What is mean by motif and pattern?
- Different types of pattern.
- What are art materials for fashion drawing and cad?
B. Fashion Illustration:
- Fashion illustration techniques
- Various fashion illustration software’s
- Fashion figure proportions
- How to do illustration from photographs?
- Drawing male and kids figure
- Difference between male and female figure
- Drawing various hairstyles
- Draping of folds on clothed figure
- Basic body movements and main types of fabric folds
- What are various rendering techniques?
- Rendering skin tones, hairs, fabric materials, accessories.
- Technical drawing: specs and flats
C. Fashion Design Process:
- Flowchart of fashion design process
- Client brief analysis
- What is innovation? What are its types?
- What are fashion movements?
- What are various fashion career opportunities?
D. Study of Design Details:
- Study of various types of necklines
- Study of various types of sleeves
- Study of various types of collars
- Study of various types of cuffs
- Study of various types of pockets
- Study of various types of skirts
- What are different body types?
E. Smart Dressing:
- Smart dressing tips for various body types
- Smart dressing according to occasion
F. Dress and Image:
- Dress as non-verbal communication
- Dress and image, gender and sexuality
- Dress in human interaction
- Dress in workplace, race, ethnicity and social class
G. Study of Historical and Latest Fashion:
- Study of various historical costumes
- Effect of world wars on fashion.
- Study of latest fashion designers: Indian, French, Italian and American
- Study of latest fashion: latest fashion based on age, sex and socio-economic status
H. Fashion Styling:
- What is fashion styling?
- Types of styling.
- Roles and responsibilities of fashion stylist.
- Skills required to become a successful stylist.
I. Fashion Forecasting:
- What is mean by fashion forecasting?
- Role and responsibilities of forecaster, steps in developing a forecast
- Fashion timetable and seasons
- Study of fashion colour names
J. Textile and Style Forecasting:
- Fashion in fibers and fabrics, sources of innovation in textile development, timing of innovation
- What are fashion show and fashion week’s?
- Types of fashion shows
- Study of different fashion capitals
- Importance of sales forecasting in context of product life cycle
- Projections made by various trend forecasting agencies like pantone, wgsn, colour marketing, design seeds, etc
- Decade-wise analysis of trends in colour, fabric, style, silhouette, etc. Based on
- Various factors like political, economic, environmental, social, etc
K. Fashion Retail and Management:
- Study of fashion communication
- Study of fashion journalism
- Study of fashion photography
- Study of visual merchandising
- Study of various fashion organization’s
- Study of fashion retailing
- Understanding of consumer buying behaviour
- Study of planning merchandise assortment and pricing
- Study of store management
- Understanding various trends in retailing
- What is mean by fashion leaders?
L. Pattern Engineering and Garment Construction:
- Definition of pattern engineering, roles and responsibilities of pattern maker, pattern making tools and importance
- Skills required for pattern making, details on the pattern and their importance & types of patterns
- Pattern making process in apparel industry
- Studying of size chart and measuring of sizes
- Drafting the basic pattern set – front, back, skirt and sleeve and testing of fitting of basic blocks & correction
- Dart related terminologies and its importance
- Types of dart manipulation
- Creating styles through dart manipulation
- Drafting and stitching of graduated dart and radiated dart
- Drafting of different types of pockets, cuff, placket, yoke, collar
- Study of various different garment closures
- Study of various export documentation
- Various factors which influence the fashion
- Study of style lines and drafting of different types of style lines
- Introduction to cowls and drafting of different types of cowls
- Study of fashion draping and terminologies
- Preparation of fabric for draping
- Elements of fabrics, principles and fitting methods
- Draping of basic bodies and other components
- Study of different types of kids wear
- Drafting of romper, a line frock, baba suit and other kids wear
- Various types of layouts used in apparel industry for different products, pattern laid rules
- Common method of layout for asymmetric design, stripes, checks and one way design for different products
- Techniques for stripes, checks and plaids matching
- Sop for dummy measurements and apparels
- Tech-pack for various products, principles involved in fitting for men’s wear and women’s wear
- Patterning, cutting, construction and economical layout for – shirt, trouser, short, salwar and kameez, blouse and intimate apparels
- Types of machines and layout for different apparels, operation breakdown, work aids and attachments
- Study of fabric consumption and thread consumption for various products
M. CAD/CAM for Apparels:
- Concepts of CAD / CAM. Abbreviations and symbols used in cad systems
- Advantages and application of cad/cam in garment manufacturing
- Manual vs cad systems. Computerized production pattern making – hardware and software selection for cad systems
- Computer aided manipulation of pattern pieces to create individual styles
- Concept of grading, digitizing and plotting
- Principles of computer graphics, types and application. Image processing and manipulation, resolution factor of image, study of pixels and its uses, importance of colours in computer graphics colour models
- 3D body scanners, imaging techniques for various designs
- Automatic pattern generation systems. 2d to 3d conversion technology
- Draping 2d patterns on 3d body forms
- Digitizing a pattern and grading of patterns
- Drape evaluation of 3d garment simulation
- 3D virtual clothing and simulation software
- Concept of cam – function and features.
- Computer controlled machinery for garment manufacturing
N. Apparel Merchandising:
- Different types of samples, sample approval procedure, sample review, pilot run, merchandiser’s role in product development
- Pre-production activities and its importance purchase order
- Bill of material, pricing terminologies
- Marketing definitions, key concepts of marketing, marketing evolution, marketing process
- Marketing mix, selling vs marketing, marketing environment
- Marketing research, marketing objectives and strategies, market segmentation
- Traditional and modern ways of promotion
- Merchandising terminologies, roles and responsibilities of merchandiser, skills required for good merchandiser, types of merchandisers
- Buying cycles and tools of merchandising
- Time and action plan, range planning, critical path
- Garment costing process
- Need for sourcing, resource planning – global sourcing strategies
- Supply chain and demand chain analysis
- Supply chain management and its importance
- Study of various lean tools
- Buying house –its function and role in garment industry
O. Garment Ornamentation:
- Definition, history of embroidery, general rules for hand embroidery
- Design transfer techniques
- Tools required for hand embroidery,
- Selection of needle, threads, fabrics and colors for embroidery
- History of embroidery machine
- Advantages of embroidery machines
- Various types of needles, frames, bobbins, selection of frames to design, selection of needle thread and bobbin thread and suitable stitches for embroidery using computer
- Study of softwares used for embroideries
- Study of latest fashion trends
- Various new technologies related to fashion management
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Being a fashion designer allows you to enhance and show your creativity and aesthetic sensibilities in meaningful ways. One can illustrate beautiful designs that captivate and inspire others, which can be immensely satisfying. However, being a fashion designer also comes with some of the tough time. For example, it can be hard to keep up with industry trends or tackle up with competition from other designers. In addition, growing a successful fashion business requires a lot of time, effort, and dedication and firstly to become a successful fashion designer one should be equipped with the knowledge and fashion design information, command over all the topics / questions which are been shared in the article.
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Founder & Editor of Textile Learner. He is a Textile Consultant, Blogger & Entrepreneur. Mr. Kiron is working as a textile consultant in several local and international companies. He is also a contributor of Wikipedia.